Departed Algonac about 11:30 AM on the delivery trip to Port Huron
Had a great first cruise up the St
. Clair River. Sun, south wind, and very little vessel traffic. The boat handled well and most all the systems worked well. One radar took a while to get going and the fish finder didn't seem to function. The generator battery was still dead. We'll work on those later. We used the autopilot nearly all the way. What a nice way to steer! It was a really nice trip with the family. Only Texas Mike was missing (and was missed). It was just like old times on the Huron Lady delivery from New York back in 1995. The trip took about five hours dock to dock. We tied up at Bridge Harbour Marina about 4:30 PM. After arriving in Port Huron, Diane and Jeffrey came by to see us and Meander, and we toasted the previous owners Jim and Jane with the wine they put aboard for our celebration.
It was a great first cruise and we are looking forward to many more.
First Cruise: Algonac to Port Huron
Friday, September 07, 2012
Port Huron, Michigan, United States
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