Our friends Micki and Dave aboard the "Micki D" invited us to join them and their boat club (New Wave Boat Club) for the Columbus Day/Canadian Thanksgiving Frostbite cruise to St. Clair. As it turned out Port Huron friends, Larry & Wendy and Dale and Teena were also planing on spending the weekend in the same port. We had a cool, breezy, and enjoyable cruise down. The rain started not long after our arrival and continued off and on through the evening with temperatures dropping into the 30's overnight (hence the name Frostbite). The weather didn't seem to dampen the enthusiasm of the group as we hung out around a campfire or in one of the marina's enclosed shelters.
Saturday broke clear, cool, and still breezy. We went for a dinghy ride up the Pine River with Micki and Dave to view the fall colors. We returned to crock pot chili made by Micki. After a walk uptown we enjoyed a Thanksgiving feast of roast turkey and all the fixings provided by the NWBC.
The Anchor Bay Boat Club invited everyone to their Sunday morning pancake breakfast after which we toured everyone else's boats. The sun came out and it was actually quite comfortable to sit on the dock and socialize with the boat clubs. Charlie had lots of company as well as it seemed nearly every boat had a dog or two aboard.
After lunch we cast off for Port Huron. It was a very calm and fairly sunny cruise home with lots of ship traffic along the way.
This was probably our last overnight for the season. But maybe not.
Frostbite Cruise
Friday, October 05, 2012
St. Clair, Michigan, United States
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