No Modesty

Monday, December 26, 2016
Krabi, Thailand
After a western breakfast in the hotel with many fruits I loved (not always sure what they were), we headed to the front of the hotel where I had arranged a driver to take us back into town to a beach area, from where we would take a long boat (famous Thai boat) to the most beautiful beach in the area, Phra Nang Beach. It was the beach itself but also the ride over which was breathtaking -- beautiful beach resorts and many huge monolithic karsts -- the limestone formations famous in Thai beach pictures. Of course getting on the boat was a show unto itself, as you have to go out into the water and then haul yourself up on to the two step ladder into the boat, which was pretty primitive. The best part yet is there were strangers on the boat, so you could share making a fool of yourself in front of everyone! Of course, the long boat was the only way over to the beach, so I just did it and tried not to laugh. It was well worth it! We got off at the beach having taken a lot of pictures and headed for the shade trees -- we were being careful of sunburn and mosquito bites!!

We spent most of the morning and early afternoon there, and then headed back . Everything we owed was caked in very-fine sand, but we had a great time. We were sweaty and tired once we got back, but we did head to the spa at the hotel and had a wonderful massage, again Who could pass up the bargain?

We had an early dinner at the resort, which had wonderful Thai food, and then headed to bed. Barbara and I had a favorite cocktail made with coconut juice -- it was served in a real coconut; very fun and beachy! Had to have more than one of those on our trip.

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