Cuidad de Mexico

Friday, April 03, 2015
Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal, Mexico
The grand city it is... Buildings so old and lots of people...

The Hotel here is so old ... Oldest in Mexico... With an amazing stain glass ceiling... There is queue of people to come in and take photos... Only 2 at a time. Time so the place is not so full...

As it is Good Friday, the city is pretty quiet... Most of the shops were shut, so was a good time to walk around and look at the architecture... Pretty much a day of rest for us...

Had a great lunch... A chicken stirfry with onion, capsicum and cheese.., and a pork sandwich... Yum... Lots of chilli and salsa

Walk some more... A few more churches...

Out to dinner soon...

Love to all...

P.S 26,919 steps
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