We arrived safely into Montreal, late because there was some issue with our tickets... that horn sorted but we were later than expected...
A quick bite to eat and bed... ready for the next day... the beyond the Basilica walking tour...
Starting at the Basilica Notre Dame... a beautiful church. Which is in old Montreal each building of the place d’Armes square was of a different era... and a mix between English and French... they are still arguing who is better
We wondered through the church and then out into the streets... China Town, the entertainment district, Arts district and finally to No Mans district... a place where everything g is not French or English...
Ducking in and out of various shops, some weird - and some not so odd... it was a good brisk walk and we got a good bearing of how the city hangs together...
Off on our own in the afternoon first stop was a park to trach ken how to do a snow angel!
Then back into the city for a bit more exploring...
Tomorrow the underground... 33 km of underground paths and shops to explore...!
Those murals look fanstatic, it would be great to see more like that around Melbourne.
Looks amazing all the snow would be beautiful especially fresh. Glad you taught Ken how to do a snow angel. I stil can’t believe you are wearing a beanie and gloves Nick. Must be your idea of heaven.