Those vagabond shoes!!!

Saturday, December 23, 2017
New York, New York, United States
Let’s the outset.... We arrived in New York safely at 11:00pm at night... it was however our turn for a holiday travel disaster...
We head out of Quebec at 9am... for a 2 hour flight to Toronto and then a 1 hour flight to New York... 
there we snow storms in Quebec... and Toronto, which left our flights delayed... waiting waiting
That meant we missed our connecting flight... more waiting
We got booked into a flight 6 hours later... more waiting.... 
and then finally arrived at 10:50pm in New York....
Went to the baggage claim... no bags.... more waiting...
Put in a claim... jumped in a cab and off to the hotel... finally some sleep...both of us tired and irritated...
Get to the hotel, check in??? Hmm no... there computer system had crashed and they had no way to check guests in... more waiting....
We finally got to a hotel room at 2am... with a double bed only... needless to say we were cramped... but we are here now... and sort thing out this morning
Happy Christmas Australia...
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Trusting you are both safe and well if not a tad cramped, hoping you got some well deserved sleep and a room upgrade once the computer system is up again. Wishing you both a wonderful Christmas day (I'm not sure when you will see this) with loads of sumptuous feasting, laughing and great times. Love and BIG hugs to you both.


Only a double bed.....first world problems


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