Capilano suspension bridge is only 15 mins out of the city, and you are thick inside a forest...i think for reasons like this Vancouver has been quite can have city and nature coexisting successfully and it just shows how the rest of us have got it so totally wrong
the 140m (Indiana Jones) bridge has an 80m drop
....i didn't think it was that much of a drop until i was standing on it and it was swinging and wobbling and shaking
mountains mountains gawd i saw some beautiful things today...i went to the top of Grouse Mountain which normally operates as a ski resort...the view of Vancouver from up there was unbelievable...there was a wind turbine which we could take the elevator up to the top of, and because it's all automated according to the wind, it started up while we were up there as the wind picked up a bit...that was pretty scary awesome
i saw GRIZZLY BEARS up close (in an enclosure)...they looked so cute and docile it was difficult to correlate that with the vicious scary killers they are...also saw a white wolf, and lots and lots of fact, 4 wolves were saved by the city from being euthanized, and they originally placed them in the same enclosure as the bears....then one day a bear had lunch, and now there are only 3 wolves and they don't live with the bears anymore :)
this evening i strolled through Gastown, which was very cute, and I'm treating myself to a 'boo hoo, where's my bag, poor me' swanky dinner
...the pink cocktail was a winner, and the glass of wine i just ordered is...will...did go to be head...I'm about to walk back to my hotel...wish me luuuuuurck
what's with fudge in North America, how come it's everywhere? i like fudge but it's no more special than, say, an iced vovo, and you don't see iced vovos sold at every tourist stop in Australia...of course, I'm writing this while licking the salt from my lips after having eaten sea salt fudge...what sick bastard looked at chocolate and caramel and thought 'hey let's put salt on this', because it's quite brilliant
i like Canadian money, it's plastic and brightly coloured like Aussie money
interesting fact, of Vancouver's 2.2million residents, 25% are of Chinese descent due to a goldrush a few generations's not something i expected to see, but it's really evident
Starbucks is EVERYWHERE here (serving their shitty 'coffee')...because the weather in Vancouver is mild*, they have a thriving coffee shop culture
*mild is categorised as '1-5 celsius in winter, and ~25 in summer'
...on Nickynation, this weather is categorised as 'fucking cold winter, very sad summer'...every single tour guide so far has commented on how lucky we are to not have been here last Friday because it was a sweltering 28 celsius...dafuq?
the humidity is doing awful, horrible, disgusting things to my hair...currently it's at 65%, and i still have San Francisco's 90% to deal with...dear Vivien and Melissa, i apologise in advance for the creepy-looking me you will have to deal with in a couple of days
dear hipsters, you look like fucking cats dress better than you...get a clue
dear world, eating alone is not weird, I'm not sad, I'm ate great food, a chocolate dessert, and it's a beautiful me
no update on my missing bag today :( the nice-concierge wasn't around, and the smiley-concierge never knows anything about anything...he gave me the message of 'they are still looking for your bag' - so apparently now they don't even know where it is
I saw bears!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Other Entries

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Hi There, It does not seem like you need any help or want any for that matter. For me its a joy to be by one's self in a country as beautiful as Canada enjoying the delights whenever and however your fancy takes. I am sure after being there SF seem like a being propelled forward in time...hehehehe...It was great reading your blog while I'm at work and not its time me me to depart this jungle, so till next time enjoy your trip and just so you know IT BLOODY AWFUL HERE without Dibert and Viviens whinging about work.....miss you both.
CHRYS!! i miss you, and my cats
Aaaiiieee!! Bears and wolves and and OMG, it all sounds so wonderful. Your blogs always make me want to jump on the next plane.
You are so funny. There's no space to write all I'm laughing at. Just read yourself, and know that from "a bear had lunch" to the end....
Thanks so much for writing all this. I really hope your bag turns up soon.
Stay safe, and be well.
Much love.
fudge is everywhere because not all the tourists wanna buy maple syrup or magic mushrooms. :-) or saskatoon berries. :-p
when canadian kids run away from home they run to vancouver because it's the only place here you can spend the night on the street without freezing to death.
92% humidity in saskatoon right now. but at least it's not 28 degrees.
hope they find your bag. what % of your luggage was that?
JFC that bear is too close. Mexican money is all colors too you would like it. I Like eating alone, i rather enjoy my food than have to make mindless convo, then again i like eating lmao XD
Con & Helen
Grouse mountain looks....Grouse! Would've been a great pic if you had clear blue sky. That's why photoshop was invented. Woohoo. You'll get your bag back soon.
it was my toiletries, so only 10% of my physical luggage but 95% of importance
Naomi,i saw a bear, it was so amazing
I LOVE FOOD, I'm about to post yet another picture of food
Nicky, that is fantastic. Up close and personal!
Please don't get too close - for a photo or a paw print.
Excellent news that you got your stuff. There's no way to replace a person's toiletries in a strange land.
Hanging out for pics of food.