Mimosa, mussels and mountains

Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
today was the best day eveeeeeeeeeer, and half a dream come true...I'm a lapsed skier (lapsed because of all the wonderful things i don't mind doing alone, skiing isn't one of them), and since i first heard about Whistler I've wanted to ski there...seeing as i could never really afford it, going in summer was HALF a dream come true

i had a wonderful day and everything about Whistler and Blackcomb mountains exceed all expectations ...they installed a new lift (or 'gondola' as they call them here) which joins the two mountains and it was simply AMAZING...i went up to Whistler, took a short trail around the back side, then got on the 'peak to peak' across to Blackcomb where i had lunch in what literally seemed like the top of the world...mimosas and mussels on top of the mountain
we had 5 hours of free time up there and one of the activity options was bungee jumping...this was THE CLOSEST i have ever come to actually doing it, but it meant i would have had to forego seeing both mountains...2 of our group did it and said it was the best thing ever...siiiigh, next time
(I'm currently sitting in an Italian restaurant and my waiter - who looks very much like Joseph Gordon Levitt - is smiling so much it's fucking creepy...his face is SO good to break!)
Whistler village was like a fairytale...i really feel like today i experienced an earth where everything and everybody is lovely and nice and picturesque and breathtaking, and living is a pleasure...i think i need to remember this day :)
i fly to San Fran tomorrow where i was informed MY BAG WILL BE WAITING FOR ME ...fingers crossed this time it's actually true and i won't have to get arrested for vulgarity and attempted throat punching
I'm really glad i came here, Vancouver and its surrounds have truly been wonderful to experience

this city is so dog friendly, it's awesome...my hotel welcomes pets, and they have a resident bulldog who just came out of surgery and wobbles around the corridors...if he stands still too long his back legs separate and he plops to the ground
in looking up tipping etiquette (i don't think Aussies will ever understand it), one of the tips for travellers was that Canadians make limited eye contact as it may be seen as being too aggressive...heeeheeeee,i hope this true because it's just so weird that i want it to be real
found out there are 187 Starbucks here...see, i told you there were heaps
they have orange taxis here...when they are all lined up waiting for fares they look like tic tacs




it's probably true about eye contact. we're not really aggressive people, and personally I'm self-conscious about staring people in the face because it seems even more aggressive coming from a big guy.


Yay I'm so glad you and your bag found each other again (or so I hope)

LMAO the hotel should have CATS <3

These pics are so impressive O.O

IdK I don't think mexicans understand tipping either, I sure hate it lol


i could never live in Vancouver, I'd get kicked out...I come across as quite aggressive (though in reality I'm a little lamb)


yeah, tipping is weird...it makes new feel like I'm paying a prostitute


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