Karma likes me again

Wednesday, August 22, 2012
San Francisco, California, United States
as soon as i sat in my seat on the plane to SF, the dude next to me swore under his breath and i saw that he'd lost one of the plastic round things at the end of his earphones...so i grabbed my little headphone pouch and offered him one of my spares (who the fuck has spares?!?)...so he thanked me and we chatted...THEN the people behind us in the exit row, the row with all the legroom, couldn't speak English when the air steward had to explain emergency procedures, so we got their big comfy seats...do a good deed, hellooooo karma, welcome back

then i landed in SF and went where i had been directed AND THERE WAS MY BAG, and a lady waiting with an apology and $100 ...woohoo
'the coldest Winter i ever saw was the Summer i spent in San Francisco' - Mark Twain
why did i not know this? i knew it wouldn't be hot, but this isn't only a little chilly when the wind blows, this is freezing cold! woe is me, i had to go shopping, stat...and my gawd, this place is a shopping mecca...our hotel is on Union Square and i walked around for 40 mins with no end in sight to the amount of shops
there's heaps of random street music here, it's so nice...and HEAPS of fog, always, constantly, any time of day or night...fog kind of creeps me out so i better get over that pretty quick
there are also a lot of bums...one asked to buy a cigarette from me so i just have him one...he blessed me...another asked me for money, i said no, so he asked for the rest of my smoke, and when i gave it to him he blessed me...it's the smokers code, you know...you can't deny a bludger a cigarette, it would be uncouth
the girls should be landing any minute and as soon as they get here i shall force feed them one of these strawberry-basil-gin concoctions I'm drinking....yum
they really should have pedicures and messages available at all departure gates...i got a pedicure and watched 8 people get massages...it must be a goldmine of income, why are they not everywhere?
i had a late lunch at a 50s style diner with red shiny booths and rock'n'roll music playing...it even had a Cadillac inside...i ordered a burger and fries because it went with the decor...I'm such a good tourist




We were in SF when it was supposed to be winter (January) but we walked around in a t-shirt and never saw any fog... Anyway, Karma is on your side: better seats, hundred dollar :) I think we went to the lunch-thingie you described: did you have to take some stairs to reach it, it was called 'Lori's diner' I think. I loved it.

There is a China town in SF were they sell the best fortune cookies: we bought a bag of mixed cookies and ate them all at one: so good! They are handmade - check it out! Oh and there is the best Thai in the world (someone told me) - with the best dim sum in the world, it's near the golden gate park. We went there and god... DELICIOUS! Have fun and keep the hair down with all the fog. x


I'd have waited for the suitcase too if they'd give me 100 dollars. But I read that you can actually make emergency purchases if something important is missing and hand them the bills to the airline.

How leftish is SF? Are there hobos everywhere?

Enjoy your dinners and pedicures and drinks!


*huggles* to keep you warm

"there are also a lot of bums" SNORT lol

aww you're such a good tourist indeed :D

"it went with the decor" LOL but you know iTS TRUE lol :D


hey elke :) you were one of the people who said i would totally love SF and i really do...though we have half of Thailand living in Sydney so thai food in another country would feel like a normal Tuesday for us..haahaa


there are SO many bums and SO many hobos, and you can only just tell them apart


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