I LOST VIVIEN!! not really, i know where she is, but i did lose her in that she's-still-in-San Francisco way
at Vegas airport they checked our bags all the way to Sydney (Vegas-San Fran-Auckland-Syd), and they were able to print my boarding passes, but not Vivien's
...no fuss, we were due to have a 3.5 hour layover at SF airport and we'd even made plans to hang in one of the airport lounges - and then our flight out of Vegas was delayed, and then delayed some more, and we got off that flight with only about 30mins before our international flight was due out
i ran for the plane (my boarding pass meant that if i missed it I'd forfeit my seat) and Viv had to go to the check-in counter, so i just made the plane and she missed it :(
i couldn't speak to her for another 12 hours, until i landed at Auckland, and she'd checked in to a hotel and had a new ticket for the next day (which she's due to board in 1 hour)...amazingly, our bags made it, so it's a good thing i was there to pick them all up at Sydney...i'm picking her up at the airport tomorrow and will give her lots of hugs and find lots of ways to laugh about it all
San Francisco airport - NEVER AGAIN
so the next time we go to Vegas it will definitely be via LAX...Viv and I agreed (in the sweltering heat by the pool at Caesar's) that we NEED to go to Vegas more often...it's the perfect holiday for both of us, sun during the day, ridiculousness at night...i love Vegas
Vegas was a blast, baby, and my monkey was not ill
till next time, thanks for keeping me company :)
Home time
Sunday, September 02, 2012
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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Thanks heaps for letting me part of this. Your writing is so very entertaining I really feel as if I'd been there with you.
You had a great time, but it's good to get back to your cats, and friends and family .. and everyone here who loves you, [like me!]
Welcome home, and I hope you settle in easily.
yay im glad you're back :) SF airport really sounds horrible just from hearing about this trip D: im always impressed how you handle your traveling, i would have been so lost and end up in idk israel or something lol
the good thing is you go through so many checkpoints and barcode scans that you couldn't get on the wrong plane if you tried...the worst of it is trying to carry a bottle of water, you're treated like you have a liquid bomb
i made the mistake of looking at a pictures of my cats on my phone before boarding, and that just made me want to RUSH HOME...i wish i could spend a weekend at Caesar's with everyone i know (and actually like)