No, you aren't lost. This isn't Wordpress and this IS my new travel blog. There was nothing wrong with the old one on Travelpod –I liked where it was. However, when Travelpod decided to end their site I had to “travel” somewhere new. I had read other travel blogs on WordPress and my daughter has a young adult book review blog on WordPress as well, so I had hopes that WordPress and I would enjoy our travel journey together. I am sure that, in time, I would have gotten the hang of Wordpress and go merrily, merrily, merrily on my way to nowhere in particular. It was not to be. I found it confusing and, frankly, I just didn't have the time to figure it out. I need simplicity. I just want to write my blog in Word, cut and paste, add my pictures and BOOM! Travel blog. So, I went looking for a new home and ran across this site, that has the same feel as Travelpod and even imported my blogs, contacts and pictures in one easy step. My kind of place. We'll see how it goes.
This trip to Sedona was actually planned 5 years ago. We had our accommodations through our timeshare booked. Then, the US Army decided my son needed to go to Afghanistan in January 2013. He and his fiancee moved their wedding from May 2013 to October 2012 and we canceled the trip to Sedona and changed our reservation to Williamsburg, where there was a lovely wedding for two lovely people . Tough sacrifice, I know.
If you recall, we gave up our first class seats on our outbound flight to Hawaii and received some miles back and two $700 vouchers for a future flight. We used them for this trip, booking two first class seats with the vouchers. It was a bit inconvenient, as there were no First class seats available at a convenient time from Philly, so we booked from Baltimore, which is a 2 1/2 hour drive away. It isn't something we normally do, but variety is the spice of life. We figured I would both take half a day off and Keith the whole day and get there in time for dinner. Nope. A young man who worked for me and was my coverage while I was on vacation found another job, so that plan went out the window. The plan was now for me to work until 5:00 and we would leave as soon as I got home.
I didn't get to leave at 5:00. Someone came in at 4:59 and I didn't leave until 5:10. It wasn't that big of a deal. That is, until I got rear ended on my way home. The lady in front of me stopped suddenly and I stopped, but the guy behind me didn't. I was the filling in the 2 slices of bread. He hit me and I ran into her. If I hadn't had my foot on the brake, it would have been worse. His car is totaled. Mine was towed because the back bumper was hanging off, the trunk is smashed and the hood and front bumper are slightly mashed. The lady in front of me ended up with a slight crease in her bumper. No one was hurt.
After the car had been towed, I walked up to the Saladworks, which was just up the road and Keith met me there. We ate there, then drove home, got the luggage and left in his car, rather than mine. We got to the hotel in Baltimore around the time we originally figured, since our delay meant we missed traffic. We stayed at the Aloft near the airport, which has a Park and Fly option. It wasn't the start to our vacation we wanted, but as someone on my Facebook post said, cars can be replaced.
Yes, cars can be replaced. So very glad you are ok. Have a great vacation, stay safe and keep us updated.