A fishy affair!

Sunday, December 07, 2014
Reykjavik, Reykjavik, Iceland
Wrapped up warm we left the hotel with a free map but no idea which direction to take. We wandered to the water edge as I knew the harbour was a hussle and bussle area, however we emerged a little too far around and appeared to end up between two battle ships! Potentially not restaurant ville!!! So we toddled back on ourself and followed the roads with pretty lights!!! Seems slightly whimsical but it worked.

For a capital, it is more like a town! No high rises, no 3 lane roads, just cute little buildings! We passed ever type of restaurant .... Mexican, Indian, Italian, Turkish, English and Irish pubs, French cafes and finally somewhere that sold Icelandic fish dishes that didn't cost £30 each!!! They weren't lying when they said food was expensive..... Sheeps head at the busstation for £5 did not appeal!!

Geysir bistro was our end result. James had salted cod with an almond butter and I had a mountain of the meatiest mussels I ever did see!! They were amazing!!! We were the only ones in there, which concerned us slightly, but they started to close after we sat down... Eating at 8.30 is late on a Sunday in these parts! After a lovely conversation with the waitress we walked the block (holiday walk!!) in an attempt to digest before another cuppa in the hotel and sleep!!



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