Bonjour the Beccles Gang

Friday, March 25, 2016
Sees, Normandy, France
It was abt 20.30 when we finally arrived at the farm, venturing down smaller and narrower French roads, praying not to meet any oncoming vehicles so that snap decisions of what side to swerve to could be avoided and in addition praying not to meet a drunk French farmer with a shotgun!! The sat nav announced that we had reached our destination literally in the middle of nowhere so we headed towards the nearest house lights and hoped.... Again that we wouldn't meet a scary Frenchman!!

The fact that Dave and Lucy no longer had their focus car perturbed us slightly but an English car with an Erin seat in it would not be so far in the middle of no where for any other reason!!
Greater by hugs, the most amazing house and a roaring fire, with the smells of dinner wafting made me a very happy lady!!

With cider in hand 9 of us easily sat around what I can only describe as a banqueting table for a 4 course meal and lots of bread and cheese!! Happy days!! We were then all fed, watered, warm and shattered, so bed was imminent!

Wrapped up warm in our huge and gorgeous room it took all of abt 5 secs to fall asleep!



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