The smell of hotcross buns wafting upstairs is enough to raise any tired person from their bed, esp with Nutella involved as well! The sun was beaming into the farmhouse and was calling for a walk out into the French countryside.
Matt and Nunny had not quite arisen from the land of nod before we were ready to head out, so they supervised the house and had breakfast whilst the 4
.5 girls (Erin is one a half at the moment!) and 3 boys headed out to find a Druid ruin. It was not a strenuous path, however munchkin decided that walking was not as fun as being carried, it became an arm exercise as much as anything, with her being passed around like a relay baton one blood loss to arms was severe enough to lose feeling!! We saw a red squirrel, a VERY sizeable bull (held in only by 2 strands of barbed wire ..: def would not have stopped him!) and lots or farm animals, one or two crazy French drivers attempted to take us out, but all in all was just a beautiful walk in the sun!
The ruin had sunk over the last 5000yrs, so was only the top of he Stonehenge esque archway. But we made it, had a big group photo and then head back, via a slightly more cross country route to avoid the amassing black, domesday clouds. Lucky they were a gap around the side of the five bar gate and we did not have to roll 8mnth pregnant Lucy over the top of it!! James also had acquired a Gandalf stick that was double his height! It made it the whole way back to the farm, only to be abandoned outside as it was too tall to stand up inside!!!
Myself and Lucy then accepted the 'get Erin to sleep in her pushchair' mission whilst the gang got Lucy ready
. I tried some fois gras, however was not the greatest fan as they flavour was very strong and tasted much more like liver than I was expecting. But with omelettes and leftovers from the night before, I had plenty to eat!! Chocolate for pudding of course as it was Easter Sunday!
Whilst Erin had had her nap, Blue had bought her an Easter hunt, so that entertained us all for a while whilst the heavens opened outside! The downpour did mean there were some awesome, sizeable puddles for jumping in! So boots on, exploring and jumping we went!! We found a cat, some lovely places to take some photos of Erin and we went into the herb garden to explore the smells!! Such a sweetie!!
The fire was lit when we returned and it was time for a sit and some vino whilst the boys played cards again!!
Dinner was a veal joint, which i was ethically not to sure abt, but having never really eaten it before and being in France where it is as common as beef, I joined in! It was delicious, to me it could have been a joint of beef, but James, with more of a sensitive pallet than me thought the taste was a little softer! A mountain of fresh strawberries over homemade shortcake finished us off for the food that night, however the wine kept flowing and we played cards against humanity with all of us around the fire! Some of us retired earlier than others, but a howling storm meant that no one really got a good nights sleep!!
Sunshine walks and puddle jumping
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Mortrée, Normandy, France
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