
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Nice, Provence, France
On landing, we joined the back of a very long queue for passport control, were 2 young chaps were doing things by the book and checking very thoroughly! An older guy came in and waved majority of people through with an English passport without much of a second glance!! We got through quickly so didn't really care!! After help from the 'information' people, realising we were at a different terminal from where our directions started, we hopped on the shuttle to terminal 1 to go and find the train station! There were some signs, the rest was pot luck (and James' sense of directions!). We attempted to use a ticket machine for our train billets, however with a train coming in 5 mins we both decided it would be quicker and safer to attempt the ticket office!! She spoke English, of course, but we did our best with attempting French after 16 yrs of not really speaking any!! The tickets were less that 6€ each, which considering the bus would have been 33€ each was amazingly cheap. The double decker train pulled into the station as we left the ticket office.... We were on the wrong side!! Picking up our wheelie cases, we ran and just made it, much to the amusement of a little French lady sat by the door!! The sncf security chucked a fair few scaly wags off the train for not having a ticket, but I was sat their clutching ours so they didn't even batter an eyelid at us!

We then pulled into Cannes station, one of two in the city .



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