Heathrow Fun!!

Tuesday, April 04, 2017
Longford, England, United Kingdom
As we could only check in for the KL leg of the journey online due to the No. of hours beforehand, we had to join the mile log queue in the pens once we made it to the terminal building (we had to play dodge the kid armed with luggage trolley en route!!). The stern lady at check in confirmed we did not have to rescue our bags at KL for the next flight, so fingers crossed they make it to the next flight!!

I cleared security, no probs!! James' bags however did get searched ... he must look like the dodgy sort!! By the time we had got through all of this, we had 30mins to shove some breakfast down us (james had his pint and half a pint as the waitress slopped half his original one as she carried it!! ) and then off to the gate to board our double decker Malaysian Airways flight to KL. we were on the upper deck, but James couldn't resist asking for a 'honeymoon upgrade' at the gate on the off chance.... denied!!

We left a little late, but nothing catastrophic!! 12hr 40min flight, here we come!! Free food and drinks all the way thought! Happy days!!

5 films down.... time to squeeze in one more maybe :)
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