Homeward bound

Tuesday, August 04, 2015
Nyngan, New South Wales, Australia
Day 16 – Homeward bound

Another reasonably chilly start, about 5 degrees . The poor couple next to us had to sit outside as their camper trailer had an outside kitchen. Meanwhile GG and I sat inside in comfortably heated luxury…after G managed to coerce me out of my sleeping bag. His "personalised" version of la cucaraca sung like a chipmunk, I couldn't stand it so I clambered out to shut him up!

Screeching cockatoos and hoons on the adjacent highway heralded the new day along with someone obviously suffering a hearing impairment who started up his car which had a more powerful sound system than motor!

We did a little merry-go-round to find a petrol station and then were off. No reappearance of Freddie today thankfully, though the usual range of sounds emanating from the passenger seat are enough to keep one awake, if not occasionally scare the bejeezus out of you! Also fortunate was that his nibs has decided that it’s not a “chippie day” so I don’t have to summon up reservs of willpower to avoid the highly aromatic sour cream and chive potato chips I had to endure yesterday!

By the way, I've included a couple of photos from yesterday as today didn't offer many photo opportunities!
We’d decided to make for Nyngan today to be hopefully back at GG’s place on the Central Coast tomorrow . A whistlestop refuel at Wilcannia – it must said – a pretty sad little place on the surface of it with all the windows having bars, was refreshing simply due to the sunny disposition of the girl who sold me something to eat.

The time passed with us picking subtle changes in the landscape, listening to podcasts and some music and waiting for the roadhouse G said was between Wilcannia and Cobar. We were pleasantly surprised by the Emmdale roadhouse, where the “real” coffee advertised on the signs leading onto town, was not just real but real good! After many more kilometres of not much of interest outside the windows we came across probably the longest section of straight road we’d encountered and shortly thereafter we arrived at Cobar.

Only an hour and a half or so to go and G has taken over the steering responsibilities whilst I write this. The first rain we’ve encountered is currently cleaning our windscreen although there have been extensive sections of road with lush green growth so perhaps this usually dry area has had some recent blessings of rainfall. A large number of feral goats seem to be enjoying the “long paddock”.

Today we’ve also passed a “TV tree” with about 8 TV sets wedged into it at various crazy angles, another shirt tree, a shoe tree and one lone toaster also hanging like a Christmas decoration from another tree! Unfortunately, all along the roadside there are also signs of humans, mostly beer cans and plastic bottles. In such a “middle of nowhere” place it is astounding that the density of such rubbish is several items per hundred metres in many, many places.
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