Chapter 8 - Epilogue
Well the day has come and we are on our way home with mixed feelings. Anxious to see family and friends but also sad that our time in France (at least for this trip) is over. As always, we like to take some time to reflect on our experiences in a different place, what we saw, what we learned, the people we met and our impression of people as a whole and in the different towns. While by no means a scientific study it is an interesting and rewarding effort for us.
First we feel there is a tremendous intellectual value in any travel. From the mundane everyday activities, different culture influences, the tremendously long history (thousand of years, not hundreds) and its impact to this day, how places grow, decline and remake themselves. These things and others we find always interesting.
France is beautiful: countryside, towns and villages, people. France is sophisticated: refined tastes, attitudes, styles. France is strong: ethnically diverse, refined, friendly people; transportation that works timely and simply; clean communities; a sense of personal responsibility for behavior. Whether visiting the cosmopolitan metropolis of Paris or the humble village bakery, people are respected for their work and their part in the whole of society. People are referred to as Madame or Monsieur; tables are set with the full complement of silverware and glasses; meals are freshly prepared and presented beautifully; the everyday things of life are taken seriously and made to feel special. We come away with a great respect for the people and their nation, its history and importance in the world. We also recognize how small the world has become due the vast amount of information, technology (i-phones almost everywhere), and most important the connection to other people and places.
Viva La France!
Viva la France
I love France for many of the reasons you have articulated!
Thanks for sharing this amazing journey with us!