Ostrich and Baboon and Penguin; Oh my.

Saturday, November 13, 2010
Cape Of Good Hope, Western Cape, South Africa
The rain stopped and the cloudy mist cleared as we drove south to the Cape of Good Hope, "The SouthWestern Most Spot in Africa." Still on the Atlantic but mixed with waters from the far edge of the Indian Ocean, warm and cold waters collide here. The area is full to brimming with flowers, birds, and occasional varieties of larger critters such as ostrich, baboon and penguin. A lone Southern Right Whale remained behind off the coast, his (or her) brethern having already left (last week, they say) for Antarctica. There are seals in abundance and lighthouses to which the energetic may hike.

I was joined on my organized tour by a lady from Connecticut, a couple from Alberta and a couple from Dubai . Once again, Brian was my guide; he greeted me as if I were an old friend.

I am tired this afternoon as I write this back in my hotel. A nap is in order. I've no fancy plan for dinner other than to once again browse the Waterfront. Tomorrow, the other side of South Africa reveals itself as I move into safari mode.

I'll keep you posted.

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awesome pictures, and they have Coke-my kind of place.


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