The mission today was to determine if the hotel where Debi and I had our March, 1979, honeymoon still exists. It was, as I clearly recall, gorgeous and wonderful. The Cozumel Caribe Hotel: oversized rooms, large balconies, open air corridors, terrazzo floors and more.
After coffee, I set out.
In Cozumel, cruise ships tie up to piers at three different locations.
Pearl is, this morning, moored at Punta Langosta, the downtown cruise ship pier. We are alongside the Disney Fantasy; she came in right behind us. The two southern cruise ship piers are Puerta Maya and International. When I was here on October 1 aboard the Carnival Conquest, we were at Puerta Maya. Today I can see a Carnival ship and a Celebrity ship moored there. I cannot make out the names of the vessels as they are too distant. I walked south that day to Chankanab Lagoon.
Today, I walk north. The temperature is 79 degrees and it is sunny and wonderful at 8:30. Men are scraping paint off the street side of a seawall at one point and repainting it bright white at another. There is ample sidewalk space and, with sunscreen applied, the walk is easy. I pass condominiums and a marina and apartments and the end of the airport runway. After about four miles, I see it. The Cozumel Caribe.
It is broken. It was brand new and shiny 35 years ago having just opened six months before we arrived. Today it is a hulk. There appears to be some squatters in residence but the building is without power and has as many openings without glass as with. You can still see the curved arches that divide each bedroom from its sitting area but there is nothing about this place that is inviting. It should have lasted longer than it did. A security guard stopped me from entering. Luckily, he spoke English quite well and was compassionate as I explained that this was the scene of my honeymoon 35 years ago. I asked if I could go in and look around and he waved me onward. As I walked the beach, I was approached by Loisa who works at the adjoining Club Cozumel Caribe which is, I found, shiny and wonderful. She, too, wanted to either shoo me away or collect a fee for using the Club's beach but listening to my reason for being there, she relaxed. Just don’t get hurt in there, she advised. I didn’t venture far; there is chain link on the staircases and the place is dark. The place is a metaphor.
The four miles back to Punta Langosta brought reminders of past journeys here and the reality that places cannot remain as they were. Time, as do I, marches on.
Back to Punta Langosta, I stopped in at Carlos 'n Charlies, a raucus downtown bar for a Tecate and some free WiFi. I read of Kansas City’s 7 degree temperature and 9 inches of new snow. I congratulate myself on good timing and wonder about the fate of my loved ones. I’ve received no emails from home save one from Mandy about a video and she mentioned nothing of the weather. I suppose that no news is good news.
Pearl sails early from Cozumel at 3:00pm. It is all-aboard at 2:30. Our early start still isn’t enough to provide for an early arrival at our next port tomorrow: Key West. The schedule says we won’t arrive there until noon.
Tonight we have a themed dinner from 5:00 until 9:00 in the Garden Cafe—Taste of Mexico. Tonight’s "Headliner" is Kenny Byrd. “Norwegian Cruise Line is proud to present the Vocal Manipulation & Comedy Variety of Ventriloquist Kenny Byrd. He is internationally known and has toured with Jay Leno, George Benson, Harry Bellafonte…just to name a few. This amazing show is not to be missed.” I plan to miss it. (Leno, Benson and Bellafonte, huh? He must be an old Byrd)
There is also Late Night Comedy with Chris Alpine. “You’ve seen Chris on our Welcome Aboard Show. Now, he’s back for more for those who can’t get enough of Chris. Grab a drink and get ready to laugh until your tummy hurts!” Not wanting to hurt my tummy, I plan to miss Chris as well.
There is tonight an “NCL White Hot Dance Party” with Pedro, the Cruise Director, and his team, including DJ Rommel. We can enjoy ice sculptures, club music and more. “Our white hot angels melt the ice with you on the dance floor all night long. You can wear white (or any other color)—but don’t miss this event poolside (weather permitting) from 10:00 until 1:00am. That’s when the White Hot After Party gets going at the Bliss Ultra Lounge, 1:00 until close.” I might make the beginning of that; we’ll see. I do have some white clothes with me.
My one sure bet is Michael’s “Piano Melodies” at Bar City from 9:00 until 1:00. There appears to be no music on board before 9:00 which strikes me as unusual. I have no formal arrangement to meet up with my Brits and Poles—this being Free Style Cruising and all. I will take the afternoon and evening as it comes with no plan and no pressure. Also, with no snow.
Wednesday, February 05, 2014
Cozumel, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
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Love that sculpture