Day 5 Merry Christmas
Friday, December 25, 2009
Seoul, South Korea
Christmas day is actually kinda boring. We met Michelle & Mom at the airport and eat, what else? DIM SUM!!! Have I mentioned Ryan & I love Dim Sum? After saying our goodbyes, we head to the gate and wait. Hong Kong is fogged in. After a bit of a delay we get on the plane and find we've been bumped to business class. Sweet! Especially because we get dalyed another hour or so on the ground before we even push back. We got to Incheon uneventfuly but found it was snowing when we got there. SNOWING! Now, everyone is glad we've been dragging our winter coats around with us. After getting to the hotel we get in touch with MinJi and arrange to meet her in the lobby in the morning.
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