Day 7 Seoul

Friday, January 29, 2010
Seoul, South Korea
More layers of borrowed clothes and we're ready to go again. Today starts with the subway to downtown where we catch a bus to Deoksugung Palace. This is where they king lived while the other palace was being rebuilt. Next bus stop was Namdaemun Market. Namdaemun market is one of the oldest continually running markets in South Korea, and it may be the largest retail market in Seoul. The streets in which the market is located were built in a time when cars were not prevalent, so the market itself is not accessible by car. Great smells from the food vendors! But the smell that worries me is the air. I swear it smells like snow. I hate it when I'm right... We get back on the bus which give us a look at the War Memorial of Korea, the USO, The National Museum of Korea and the famous shopping area of Itaewon. We had planned to shop in Iteawon but the snow was comming down kinda heavy so we went to have lunch instead. We went to a traditional place for bibimbap. Its a one dish meal with rice, veggies and meat. Served in an extremely hot bowl with a raw egg. (google it) Right before eating you mix everything together. Very Yummy. We poked around some, shopped a bit, got snowed on a lot more, found another coffee shop and decide to start heading to South Seoul where we were to have dinner with MinJi's folks. We hopped the subway and got there in good time. Unfortuantly, MinJi;s parents were stuck in traffic. Seoul doesn't see a lot of snow so 3-4 inches really slowed everything down. We found the Korean Barbeque place and enjoyed a wonderful meal. There was a gas heated ceramic turtle on the table and they bring you the food raw. You cook it yourself, right on the table. US lawyers must drool over things like this.We very much enjoyed the custom of the younger people serving the older people. We walked a little until her parents caught up with us and drove us home.



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