Over two years ago Anna and Wim Roerink from The Netherlands were in El Paso for the birth of their grandson, Liam. We met them because they are bridge players and we took them to the bridge club with us several times during their visit with their daughter, Anne-Marie. We have kept in touch with emails all this time so I let them know we were going to be in Belgium. They came a couple of days early to Brugge and scoped out the place. They also let us know they could not meet us at the ship because we had to take a shuttle to a gate (900 ships docked that day at the Zeebrugge port). We had no idea. They met us at the gate with a huge sign (see below) and drove us into Brugge. We walked around the charming city, visited a museum, and had scrumptious Belgium waffles and then chocolates. This day was tops on our list for our vacation, thanks to Anna and Wim - wonderful couple!!
P.S. Liam and I share a birthday!