Day 3 - Quebec and heading Down St Lawernce

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Well today we separated in the morning with Marge and Christina taking it easy in the morning with breakfast in the room and time in the spa. Although I should note Marge did a conditioning class starting off at 6:30 am. (Marge) It was more difficult that she thought, and the spa time after was very relaxing. I took some time to catch up on email on the internet before heading out on tour. Well we only had 45 minutes at the shrine of Sainte-Anne-de-Beauprand would have liked a couple of hours at least but I am glad I went. It was a beautiful church and newer than some we have seen, built in the 1930's, it still showed the love of the artisans for God. It was a place I could easily have just sat and meditated and prayed for longer but we do what we can. There is a display towards the front of the church of crutches of those healed on pilgrimage to St Anne's I struggle to belief in this type of miracle but it is moving to see. The reliquary was in the shape of an arm to hold the arm of St Anne while a beautiful piece of art it is also a litle strange to view on display but it definitely spoke to the faith of the many pilgrims who visit this church.

I would have stayed longer at the shrine and skipped Montmorency Falls but they were nice to see also . It was a good visit and just gave me one more reason to take more time in this area. After we all met up in upper town we visited the Chateau and bought some art from street sellers. There is a whole street lined with artists near the Chateau and Basilica-Cathedral Norte-Dame de Quebec. It was hard to choose and in the end we bought 4 pieces. They were maybe not originals at $10 Canadian each but they will help us recall our trip to Quebec. Had a small lunch at Starbucks while out and headed slowly back to the ship to be ready for drill at 4 pm. Tonight is the first formal night on the ship and the first production number on the main stage so we will be busy tonight but it has been a wonderful visit to Quebec as we leave port tonight.
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