Sydney, Nova Scotia

Sunday, September 25, 2011
Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada
To start a few observations before briefly describing Sydney stop. One is with a 10 day cruise days certainly do start to run together which is not bad just is. I mean it's kind of nice to forget work and deadlines and just enjoy the day without being overly concerned what day it is. Another thing to note is how different I find this cruise is that the coffee shop is pretty deserted at night a few folks on the internet but not many is it that older folks don't want the caffeine or are not used to espresso coffee shops? Beats me just an observation. Tours seem popular, surprisingly craft classes haven't been, bars are popular the night club is not, the Microsoft tech classes are very popular but classes like Tai Chi are thinly attended. Again not sure if this is factor of age of cruisers or not but suspect so. So different cruise from Carnival for sure. Oh yes a lot more books, Kindles, Nooks and iPad's to be seen all around the ship.

Well for Sydney it was a surprisingly nice and relaxing stop . Well we figured it would be relaxing as we only planned a couple of hours ashore in the morning before going to the spa and relaxing the rest of the day as we had not tours planned and no big agenda. The walk along the waterfront and through the small town was nice as was for all of us the visits to three of the churches in the older town area and a home built in 1778 and now a museum. The Crosset Home museum was a well preserved old home showing what kind of accommodations were available for the church's preacher and his family. It is always something to see the small homes where large families were raised, nine in this case. The churches were lovely architecturally and spiritually. It was pleasant to go into them to take some time to pray and yes for me to take pictures

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