Katrina Devastation, Superdome and French Quarter

Saturday, December 20, 2014
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Today we started off taking the Canal Streetcar and #84 bus to the lower 9th ward where the dyke broke and caused so much damage. It was revealing walking around the area seeing so many empty lots with foundations showing so you know homes were there. Also new homes and homes that have been fixed up all around. There was one area near the new dyke in the area where al homes were lost that was a real mish-mash of different architectural styles. All built with features like solar panels, heat pumps, foundations high off the ground for some. I gather is was a section rebuilt using many architects designing energy efficient homes for the Katrina victims. I was glad we figured out how to get there although it was Marge's idea and wasn't sure I wanted to go. In the end it was worthwhile visit.

After the lower 9th ward we went to the Superdome but could only look at it as the New Orleans Bowl was going on . Between the University of Louisiana fans and the Saints fans (they played Sunday) you could see New Orleans had many football fans. On Thursday our first night in town the U of L Marching Band went down Bourbon Street as we were walking around. At the time we did not know the "Ragin Cajun's" were playing in the New Orleans Bowl on Saturday. Heck we only found that out when some one offered to sell us tickets as we walked to see the Superdome.

As a side note I must admit i like the smartphone in that sometimes it's nice to check just what is going on so I could check on what game was playing as well as other things like where to go to see the Katrina devastation and how to get there. The smartphone is truly a very useful gadget.

The rest of the we checked out some places we have seen like St Louis Cathedral and around town as well as picking up souvenirs. We enjoyed super at Bubba Gump's which was fun. We took some time at PJ's Coffee house in the French Quarter just resting and headed back through Bourbon Street on the way to the hotel . PJ's is a nice local coffee shop with many stores in New Orleans. We did stop and listen to Jazz at Jazz Alley for the second night just enjoying the music while drinking Jester's drink.

Jester's is just one of many bars on Bourbon Street and it is noted for the 'Strongest Drink' in New Orleans as well a neat Jester souvenir cup. It was really nice just being a little off Bourbon Street and just sit and listen to Jazz played for the price of tips. We dd get a CD by the band as a remembrance of our times just sitting and listening to the Steamboat Willie band. I would like to note that if you have any strong objections to public drinking sometimes to excess you might want to stay away from Bourbon Street. On Saturday it was getting pretty wild by 10 pm no idea what it was like later. We saw at least on group chugging vodka or another clear liquor right on the street. It was quite the scene that I was glad to observe.



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