The Great Wall!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Beijing, China
Our day began earlier as we drove about an hour and a half to Mutianyu, a newer access point to the Great Wall. This was built in the early 1400's and is visable from space. It is over 5000 miles in length. Imagine a wall going from New York to LA and then back to Chicago.

On the drive there we learned about the "wing woads" that surround Beijing . We heard the history of the People's republic beginning in 1949. We were so impressed with Steven ( Bie shoe´ Le) his positive attitude and love of his culture and country.

We arrived to a steep incline that was lined with vendors selling trinkets and tourist souvenirs. If you survived that trek, you then boarded a gondola to take you up the mountain. From the cable car exit there was still many more inclines and stairs. Visiting here is not for the faint of heart and definitely not an accessible location.

We were told multiple times that the weather was the best anyone had seen in years. Crystal blue skies and pleasant temperatures. I, of course, took complete credit for the fantastic weather. The vistas are spectacular. As is Disney's way, we had a surprise appearance from Mongolian warriors. The other tourists couldn't quite get their minds around this spectacle. I was not asked by anyone to have their picture taken with me today . I have to say, I was a bit relieved.

We went to "the Schoolhouse" at Mutianyu, a sustainable tourist location for lunch. They created a glass blowing studio in an abandoned schoolhouse that trains and employs the local residents. They also have a gift shop and restaurant. We were treated to a glass blowing demonstration and noodle making opportunity. Tim won in the stretch noodle competition.

Chinese joke: How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator in 3 steps?
1. open the door
2. put in the elephant
3. close the door

Tonight the Wests, Moenchs, Tim and I went to a highly recommended restaurant named Dadong. It is known for it's Peking Duck. Elegant, beautiful restaurant which was lost on 6 VERY tired tourists who just wanted to go to bed : ) The food was fabulous. Wan An ( Good night)



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