All ABOARD!!!!!

Monday, October 03, 2016
Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
So 4am is a tad early to rise, but I can buck up when needed. We traveled by coach bus to the rail station to board the Rocky Mountaineer train. I have been very impressed with the staff and customer service of this tour company. We arrived at the station with 489 other passengers to board 21 cars. There are 2 levels of service, Silver leaf has dining at their seats, and Gold leaf has a double car with domed roof with a separate dining car. The seats are assigned with 2 dining times. We are in the second seating, but this provided a scone and coffee while we waited for the first dining to finish breakfast and cheese and fruit while waiting for lunch. HOLY MOLY! The food has been fantastic. Many choices and all presented for a gourmet's taste.

Each car had approximately 80 passengers, serviced by 2 guide/hostesses and 2 waitresses . For our Gold Leaf train car we had Alli and Janet, as our guides and Big Joslyn and small Joslyn for our waitresses. (I know what it feels like to be the "Big" one)

We settle in and our train manager comes to tell us history and information about the train company. In the middle of this presentation, one of the passengers felt the need to start playing his harmonica. REALLY???? I felt like I was in Frontier land at Disney World with a sound track playing. How could he possibly think ANYONE would want to listen to that? In the meantime, there is crackling over the sound system. Janet informs us that someone's phone must not be on airplane mode and the effort to find a signal interferes with the sound system. It went on longer than the harmonica until there was a row by row phone and IPad check. Thank goodness both noise issues were resolved without any violence.

Besides eating and drinking all day long, we witnessed some spectacular scenery . The challenge is to take pictures through the domed glass without reflections and to not elbow the woman that chose to stand in my seat space even after I returned to my seat ; )

We learned about a rancher who was very unhappy with the Canadian Rail company for blowing it's whistle every time it entered the tunnel near his home. His cows were not producing and very distraught. He politely asked for them to stop and when they didn't , he decided to start shooting at the trains. As this was not received well, his gun permit was revoked. However, the company doesn't blow their whistles at this tunnel anymore. He still protests the entire company by doing all his chores in just a straw had and work boots. We did not experience this demonstration. I am told we didn't miss much.

Upon arrival in Kamloops, we hoped for a sighting of Justin BEAVER a local favorite under one of the bridges. We did experience the Canadian Mountie Wannabes, (Jack, the bus driver, gave us that name) who sit on their horses in red outfits and wave at the trains.  

To the hotel for in room pizza and an early night!. 6:50am departure time tomorrow. Harmonica better ZIP IT!



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