Back on the train!

Thursday, October 06, 2016
Jasper, Alberta, Canada
I feel a bit like Gene Wilder in Silver Streak… back on the train! We are up and out in the dark again. These are amazing hotels and I'd like to enjoy them for more than 9 hours. On the walk to the main lodge, Ted and Katie saw a huge male Elk, rack and all. We were about 5 minutes behind them and only had the pleasure of see the Elk’s droppings. Woo Hooo!

Today we boarded in Jasper heading back to Kamloops and then on to Vancouver . We were the last train car, so the open area at the back was open and I could have been thrown off the train.   Tim probably had some hopes in that regard.

We have the newest car in the inventory and it is quite fabulous. The windows are better and the décor more modern. It has seats with heat (which I DO NOT need) reclining, lumbar and footrest features. It has fancy new bathrooms, whose doors slide vs open out. Apparently this style was baffling many of the guests.   During our meals, Tim was witnessing the door challenge and would act out "IT SLIDES!" again and again. We have a brand new set of hosts. Travis, Pete, Caitlin and Brian.

Heading back down from the mountains to sea level, the scenery isn’t as striking, so I wasn’t taking hundreds of photos today. The meals are excellent as ever. This group has many more nations represented compared to our first leg. The hosts had a bit of a challenge with communication.

We just were able to relax, do some reading, more eating and then more relaxing. Upon arrival we are transferred by bus to our hotels. Our luggage is in the room waiting and our room keys are handing out right on the train. The only challenge is the last ones off the train have the farthest to the back seats on the bus.  I practice the protocol that the first seats exit and then it moves towards the back, like exiting a plane. Some in the back decided that they are more important than the rest of us and began rushing to the front. I’m on the aisle and Tim says “Get up” so I stand up and park it right in the aisle and block those trying this stunt. I was not popular with the self important crowd. Oh well- 

We stayed in Downtown vs Uptown this time in Kamloops. We were able to walk to a local pizza joint and have dinner at a reasonable hour. Tomorrow- Vancouver






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