Still at home . . .

Thursday, May 08, 2014
Gerroa, New South Wales, Australia
Well, here we are at D-day minus 7 and counting. Still stacks to do and so little time to do it. And, here's the thing, it must all be done by Wednesday (the day before we leave) because we won't, will not, refuse to . . . do anything from 'get up' time on Thursday morning till we leave at 9.10 PM on Emirates to Dubai and Heathrow. 
Currently in Gerroa visiting Brendan and Pierre but back to Sydney tomorrow . . . 
Oh, oh . . . where did the last three days go? It's now D-minus 4 and Thursday is rushing at us like a politician to a baby. Looking forward to boarding our flight and being able to say. "If it hasn't been done - too bad". "If we've forgotten it, we'll just have to buy it". 
Really we may as well be emigrating for all the planning and 'stuff' we've had to attend to in order to leave Australia for six months. We never seem to get near the end of the 'to do' list . . . there's always something to add.
Well tonight we're taking a break and eating out - last time here until November. 

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Hello - Great to see the blog! Just leave it all and enjoy. Cheers


Bueno comienzo por vuestros 'blog'

Buena suerte!


Bon Voyage! We all hope you have a wonderful time! :)

Alex Warner

There's nothing quite like that first G&T on the plane. Then you know there is nothing else you can do and the party must begin!!!! Bon Voyage, Europe here you come!!!!!


Don't worry -it will all be just fine! So excited for you. Love xx


Bon voyage !! Enjoy your trip of a lifetime. We look forward to following your travels / blog. Cheers

Sharon Baines

Hi Kathy and Peter - what a surprise. You are on your way touring the world for the next 6 months? I myself will be leaving in August for Dubai, Venice, London, New York, Washington, LA and back home to Melbourne. So nice to communicate with you. Have a wonderful journey Kathy and Peter. Love - Sharon


Hi Peter and Kathy, Hope all goes well. looking forward to reading the blog. Enjoy the journey.

Joan McMurray

Hi there I think you've left this is the 21st May where are you and where are the pics so I can seethe with jealousy? Have a wonderful trip Lots love Joan. Don't forget the the "selfie" with the Pope nothing less will do. (lol)

Joan McMurray

Hi all and where you are??????? Lotsa luvvies Joan (sorry still seething with jealousy). Not the flying but seeing all those places.

Joan McMurray

OKay saw where you are now. I'm the Queen of Clueless and only saw what I had to do after I had written the aforesaid note. It looks fabulous. Clean, lush, green, relaxing and all. I guess you'd rather be nomads than go home when your time is up. Don't forget "selfie" with the Pope nothing else will do Lotsa luvvies Joan


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