From the Far North to Glasgow

Friday, June 13, 2014
John O'Groats , Inverness, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Just a reflection on the campsites we stay at. The Caravan Club provides excellent facilities wherever we stay. The facilities are spotless, the showers are hot, and the grounds are full of people and pets (almost exclusively dogs – all very well behaved – they have to be). Hate to use this general analogy but the Club sites are a bit like Maccas. You know what you’re going to get. If a Club site is not available we use one of their recommended CLs (Certified Locations). These are generally on farms close to places of interest, and have a maximum of five pitches. So they tend to be quite cosy. They offer different levels of service e.g. Torgoyle Lodge, had electricity, waste water disposal etc. It even had hard standing pitches, AND, a wonderful location. Very quite and peaceful. These sites tend to be around half the cost of the Club sites. 
June 8/9
Our journey to Dunnet Bay was uneventful except that we seemed to be following and catching up with a rain band . Eventually we did catch up with it on reaching Thurso but it stopped within ten minutes of getting there. Won’t say anything more about the Club site. It’s all been said before. Monday was spent on a tour of the Orkney Isles. We travelled from John O’Groats (after the requisite photos were taken under the signpost) to the Islands. We were warned by several sets of people that John O’Groats (the village) was not a pretty sight but on arriving there we were met by a new resort and facilities. So, don’t be put off! It’s all changed. . . . .Kathy the Landlubber, dosed herself with Travacalm and enjoyed the 40 minute ferry ride. The weather was glorious. Warm and almost windless. Travel was by tour bus around the two main islands of the Orkney Isles group. The guide gave us an interesting insight into the happenings at Scapa Flow which was of course the main base for the Royal Navy during the First and Second World Wars. Heaps of interesting stuff around that area. We then spent an hour in Kirkwall having a lovely lunch and looking at another Cathedral – but worthwhile viewing! Next, we toured Skara Brae and Skaill House . Both relate to a world famous archeological site, offering views of incredibly well preserved Neolithic houses with, would you believe, fine stone furniture. Then on to the Ring of Brodgar a 5000 year old ring of stones, much like Stonehenge. Formidáble! Our final stop was the Italian Church, built by Italian POWs. It was fantastic. Based on two nissen huts put together, it is a work of art. Literally. The walls are fully tiled or so it seemed. One has to touch the surface to realize that it’s all painted on! Everything but everything was built from whatever the Italians could lay their hands on. Wonderful visit. After we returned to camp we walked on the lovely beach, not at all stony as we’ve come to expect. We virtually had it to ourselves. 
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - June 10/11/12
We decided to drive directly back to Inverness and the campsite at Cullodon Moor. Stopped on the way for a delicious coffee and toast at Golspie – about half way. Picturesque little harbour . . . of course. On arriving at the campsite we went for a brisk walk in the forest just before the rain came pelting down! But it didn’t last long . Nothing will put us off loving this transient lifestyle! Next day, we drove down the length of Loch Ness stopping several times for a rest, photos and lunch. Our haven for the night was Torgoyle Lodge. Had a beer and wine with our neighbours, Jeff and Jill, who interestingly, spent two years in the sixties living at Woomera. Jeff was in IT. Anyway it was a lovely evening with Kathy cuddled up to their faithful Lottie. No rewards for guessing that Lottie was canine! And then it was onwards to Fort William on the West Coast; to the Bunree Club site. Situated right on the water. But it’s drizzling. The drive here was again dazzling at every turn. This is BEAUTIFUL country. One particular turn led us to the site of the Commando Memorial, commemorating the commandos who died during and after WW2. What a setting, looking over the valley in which they trained, to the Highlands with Ben Nevis towering over everything. Lots of snow still around but not that cold. Particularly poignant were the messages left to departed loved ones . Many of them for soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are spending two nights at this fabulous campsite even though the Highland drizzle is keeping everything a tad damp. No matter - tomorrow we're off to Glasgow for two nights, hoping to see Stirling Caste en route. 
Well, we visited Stirling Castle and it was OK . . . you get our drift? Maybe we're all castled and cathedraled out. Just did not hit the spot with either of us but "been there, done that". Mind you, the parking was fantastic! Right outside the Castle walls is a carpark that has reserved spots for motorhomes! Wish they'd all do that.
Oh my, forgot to mention the drive from Bunree to Stirling. Forget all about the scenery we've already waxed eloquent about, the Highland scenery along this route is gut wrenchingly beautiful. All the more so because it was not drizzling and the light was excellent. Being a weekend there were cars parked at every possible stopping place and people could be seen tramping the hills and glens (always wanted to say that) .
The campsite at Glasgow Strathclyde is excellent. Pretty well full too. Spent today in Glasgow. Caught the campsite minibus into the City - great service at only $25 return for both of us. Stephen, the driver (whose daughter and son-in-law service luxury boats in Melbourne) recommended that we visit the Riverside Museum. Decided to pop in for an hour or so to 'av a look - and spent the whole day. Awesome exhibition of transport and living over the last 100 years. South African readers will be interested in the old steam engine No 3007 built in the Clyde and exported to Cape Town in 1946 then returned to this museum. Peter's father would have been back from the War and working on it! Terrific. If you ever stop in Glasgow, put it on your list - not the engine, the whole exhibition!
Looking forward now to catching up with Ron's friends, Ann and Martin, in Carlisle tomorrow and then it's the Lakes District. 
Finally, before leaving Scotland we must mention the accent! When spoken broadly it's pretty incomprehensible! Conversations go something like:
Peter: "I'd like a flat white please"
Waiter: "Huh?" "Kun'ya rrrrrpet 'at plaise?"
Peter: "Huh?" " mmmm . . . a flat white????"
It only dawned on us then that we're as incomprehensible to them!!!  

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Well, you are certainly covering some ground. And it's all so pitcheresk!!!!!!!! Lucky ducks. Looks like the weather has been good too which makes such a difference. Well done keeping up the blog - not easy when travelling and exhausted by the end of the day. Thanks. xxx

Jenny Talbot

Wow, you really are covering some ground. It's heartening to know you are enjoying your travels. So much to see and do. Life is plodding on here with lovely sunny days albeit darn chilly. Off to Bathurst for two days tomorrow. Lindy is coming too so I have someone to play with after the seminars. Love to you both.


We are home but not dry, it's cold wet and miserable! We are not a politely pale shade of green, but a seriously dark shade! We, too, loved Scotland and will return soon, but no matter how or where you go there is always so much more to see, but you two are most certainly taking advantage of every minute you have.
Just keep on having a wonderful time! S & P xxxx


Keep it coming guys. I'm loving reading all this and the photos are wonderful. Makes me wanna get up and go NOW! Love Sue

Joan McMurray

I totally agree with Suse love it all and read in depth. You look so relaxed. What does that feel like???? (lol) Love the pics. Please keep 'em rolling in am enjoying my trip with you in spirit.
Lots of love Joan and family

Joan McMurray

As I'm the Queen of Clueless I only noticed slide show button today and I love that church it's beautiful. Of course I had to love the church what can I say. Love Joan

Bruce and Kathy

Hi folks.... So great to read your blog... Glad to see that you have mastered the motorhome touring.
We couldn't be in two different parts of the world at the moment - greetings from Kakadu! Hot, with lots of mosquitoes! ( and crocodiles).
Take care and enjoy.


I'm with Suse (17 JUN) "Makes me wanna get up and go NOW!"


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