From Stratford to Folkestone and parts in between

Saturday, June 28, 2014
Folkestone, England, United Kingdom
On reflection this post was going to be a diatribe against all things Apple and Microsoft and . . . but I won't go on. Boring! Suffice to say that the only way I can type a £ sign is to do it directly on this site. Just no way to do it via Apple>MSC Word. There, I almost started the diatribe anyway!
Now it may be a problem of raised expectations that led to our visit to Stratford being a bit of a fizzer . It was meant to take in all things Shakespeare, but as it turned out we did a lot of looking at buildings (Shakespeare’s and Anne Hathaway’s homes) and walking of streets but no actual ‘museum’ visits. The reason? An outrageous price of £50 (that's around $90 to the Ozzies and R900 to the South Africans) to see the “5 houses”. Hmmm . . . 
 Kathy tried to buy some things but Maureen’s Maxim (the 3 questions; do I want it? do I need it? do I really have to have it?) beat her again. Peter’s got some work to do. 

Stratford is a very pretty town, very clean but very commercial. Even a basic city centre map from the information centre was £1. Hmmmm again. Mind you, everyone else we spoke to had a jolly good time there so perhaps it was just a ‘so so’ day for us. Again, however, the weather was exceptionally good so ‘twas good to be outside’. Before leaving the area next day we drove into Leamington Spa to have a 'sticky beak'. Another very well presented, clean town with stacks of historical things to moon over . So we walked the town sampling the sights and sounds and visiting the recommended coffee establishment - The Larder - for an excellent coffee and sandwich. Prior to that, however, we met Keith, just a nice old gentleman parked next to us, while packing Le Van after an Aldi visit. Got talking to him about motorhomes and the next thing you know we were following him home to view his van. What a gentleman! Spent a lovely hour or so talking to him about his MH and how he does things. Another instance of the wonderful people we've met 'on the road'. And to top it all our visit to Leamington finally resulted in Kathy spending something on herself! Hooray!                                                                                    
 Our next campsite, another Certified Location featuring facilities for just 5 motorhomes or caravans, was in a lovely location, just twenty minutes away from a Park and Ride into Oxford. The day before we arrived, the campsite gained a new attraction, a brand new baby calf (forgive the waste of a word but baby calf does sound better than just 'calf') . Another interesting feature was the fact that it lies under short final to the main runway at a local RAF station and there were, at times, a procession of transport type aircraft for Peter to ogle (the calf wasn't a big attraction for him).        

Oxford was beautiful even though the day turned out to be a little damp. Remarkably clean, and it looked like all the sandstone in the city had just been water blasted. There being too much to take in, we elected to walk the streets and sample the local coffee and food. And, best of all, visit the Ashmolean Museum. Apparently this is the oldest museum in the UK. Our few hours there only allowed us a brief glimpse of all it has to offer. Another visit is a must for us! 
Time was getting short for our departure to the Continent so on Saturday we drove our longest leg. 2 hours 45 minutes to Deal (near Dover). Why the big Deal?. Just because it's on the coast and looked like a nice place to visit. It was! Tried to get MH parking in Dover on the way back but all sites had already been taken so we returned to Dunkirk (Kent) to eat at a great little pub . We wanted to discuss a number of things with Graham who sold us Le Van and it was good catching up with him. NIce guy to deal with. 
So now we are safely camped at Black Horse Farm where we started out almost six weeks ago. The next few days will be given to research i.e. deciding which way to go! And, cleaning and polishing Le Van (she deserves it). Kathy has driven Le Van twice. The first time this morning. A distance of about 30 metres from the pitch to the road, and then on arrival at Black Horse she drove all the way from reception to the pitch - around a half km. She misses her compact Colt. Motorways here we come!

Today is Tuesday and the time is 8:45 pm and in just 12 hours we'll be boarding Le Shuttle for Calais. In between we've just chilled out, visiting Folkestone (in fine weather this time) and Canterbury (one cool day and one sunny day). Sorted out a number of things on Le Van and generally readied ourselves for our trip. So far our European Plan is taking shape . . . get to Calais and turn left. Visit Belgium, Holland and perhaps Princess Mary in Copenhagen. Then we'll be heading for Berlin. 

Well, that's all folks . . . for the UK. Our next post will be from Europe but we won't be getting a sim card till we get to Germany. Soooo, unless we get decent wifi at one of our campsites don't expect a post for up to two weeks. 


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Prue Nelson

I'm SO enjoying your travels. Sounds like you are both made for life on the road. If I've been envious so far it's zilch compared to how I feel now that you are over the Channel and into Europe proper! You know that we expect you to turn this into a guidebook. If you do we will be your first purchasers. Take care, x Prue

Andrew Gardiner

Hi Guys

Keep it up. Sounds like great fun. Am enjoying the posts. You will love Berlin. Interesting town.


Bruce and Kathy

Beer o clock looks good ..... Enjoy the crossing and looking forward to reading more of your adventure.

Joan McMurray

Hi Peter and Kathy have not read your blog in depth yet but will as soon as I've finished my comment. DId you NOT visit Ireland your heritage and the family. But anyway don't forget the "selfie" with the Pope.

I will read blog now and make further comment was just curious why you didn't go to Ireland. Lots and lots of love Joan and fmly

Joan McMurray

That nozzle bit. That's why you won't be seeing me in Oz anytime soon, I'm not flying even if I was offered a first class ticket, not going to happen. I'm a ninny de luxe. LOL Joan


Oh - what a wonderful trip you two are having. Love reading the blog and seeing all the lovely pics. Keep enjoying and sending lotsa love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Jenny Talbot

I thought you would be museumed out by now! But that could just be me...3 in a row and I'm done! By the way, on an iPad you get the pound sign by hitting .?123 in the lower left corner. That gives you numbers and then hit #+= (lower left cnr again) and you will see the £ sign. Easy peasy oh yee of little Mac faith!

Laurel & Derek

Loving your witty posts and terrific photos ... thanks for putting so much work into them so we can live the journey with you.


Hi guys !!
Very nice blog!!
Hope you are enjoying your travels.. I will be away from Paris from mid July to Mid August but I do hope to see you when you will be there ;-)
Take care,


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