The Start

Thursday, March 30, 2017
Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
Saturday March 18

This is Peter writing . I'm on a solo trip with Kathy keeping the home fires burning - so to speak!
At present I'm staying in the driveway of the neighbours of Neil and Tamara after spending two and a half weeks in the Lane Cove River Tourist Camp. So first a bit about the last 2.5 weeks.
Our unit had a problem with the material covering the slab and as our very tatty carpet was due for a trip to 'carpet heaven' the magnesite had to be removed, replaced with a self-levelling cement and only after ten days could the new carpet be fitted. What a job!!! Packing up the unit, having everything moved into our garage, cleaning up after the job (an incredible mess), having new carpet laid and then moving everything back in, was a period of what one may term - stress!

Anyway all got done and the new carpet is thick and lush and itching for you to sink your toes into it. Kathy has elected to stay and roll around in carpet luxury while I de-stress with a road trip - North. 
I left last Thursday in blinding rain all the way to Newcastle where the weather cleared and all was fine for the rest of the trip to Shoal Bay . I am staying for three nights with Neil and Tamara (in their next door neighjbour's driveway), and enjoying just 'being'. Weather has been up and down. Thursday was fine, Friday saw showers, and today was fine again. So far I've done little else than drink coffee, have good food, go for lovely walks (there are umpteen fabulous walks in the immediate are) read and, right now, start this blog. 

We had a superb dinner last night at Sandpipers in Nelson Bay. Easily one of the best fish dishes I have ever tasted (thanks for the present Tamara and Neil). And today we went to Crest at Birubi Beach where I had, once again, the best scones, jam and cream ever. I imagine that if the scones had been any lighter they'd have to have been tied down. Finally tonight we are having Indian - also in Nelson Bay. 

Tomorrow I'll be tearing myself away from the kind hospitality of my friends and heading up the coast and don't know where I'll be stopping yet . I'm also keeping a weather eye on conditions because with all the rain there's been a bit of flooding on the mid-North coast. 

 Tuesday March 21

It's time to get back posting otherwise I start losing all the bits 'n pieces.

I’ve just pulled in at Grafton Greyhound Club . . . campsite. Yes sirree, they have a fully fledged campsite in the grounds. Reasonable facilities, power, and decent sites. At present there’s lots of activity at the track with owners training their hounds. In my ears is a constant whirring of steel on track as the ‘what you may call it’ is whizzed around with greyhounds streaking after the ‘whatchamaycallit’

My next door neighbours are very nice and I’ll be going over for a beer shortly. Linden and Cheryl are retired and vanning around Australia. They also have a teeny dog called Flea. Why Flea? Turns out that when it was born the vet picked it up in the palm of his hand and said "Any smaller and you’d be a flea" . . . . Nice story!

Since the last post I’ve had a little incident with Le Van. Ahem! Naturally it was in reverse at the end of the day and a particularly unforgiving parking post has put a ding in the rear fender. Yes, I was tired and looking forward to beer o’clock but that’s not a real excuse. Nor is the fact that the reversing camera did not pick it up (it was right on the extreme edge of the bumper). The truth of the matter is that the red pole moved three inches to the right and got in the way. Could it have been a Dalek pole? That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

So, what have I been doing ?

Taree was an excellent campsite. Made even better by the engaging couple who are caretaking. On my way back from a ‘visit’ Rhonda asked me if I’d had supper. On saying “no”, she handed me a big handful of long beans from her garden. They were purple. Is that unusual? Turned green on steaming them and were delicious . Made my steamed veg a real treat. 

I also chatted to Neptunia (Nep) and her cat on a leash. The chat starting when I requested a photo of the cat-on-a-leash. As one does of course . . . 

Leaving Taree early and in a lowering mist with occasional rain I took the tourist drive through Laurieton and Port Macquarie.

Laurieton is a lovely, lovely place. In the couple of hours I spent there I talked to several locals who obviously love their town. One lady was telling me that Laurieton has the oldest median age in NSW. How about that? Like almost every coastal town there is a river, the Manning. At present it is brown and in flood from the recent heavy rains. But the boardwalk along its banks is terrific. Lots of bird life of course and not a lot of people. I stopped here many years ago in the catamaran ‘Son Tio’ and I remember we rowed across to the RSL for a nosh up . What I can’t remember is who was crewing. I think it may have been Chris Jones. Chris??? Anyway this town is well worth a visit on your next road trip on the NSW coast.

Next stop was Port Macquarie where I spent a happy hour walking the river towards the entrance. Not too far because my Laurieton exertions had left me with not a lot of puff. I visited the Glasshouse which is a lovely building. A credit to the architects methinks. I had a bit of shopping to do and ended my stay having a sandwich and tea back in Le Van. Pity the light was so grey. Port M is really pretty in the sun.

Then it was on to Kempsey and the case of the ‘moving pole’. If I repeat this enough I’ll start believing it. The campsite was sodden and after a walk around the town I had an early supper and crashed for night.

Next day’s campsite target was Grafton with stops along the coastal tourist drive. I only made two of them but they took up so much time that I’m here typing when I should be having a beer next door . So, that’s it. I’m stopping and will pick up later. But before I shut up I will just say that today’s drive was bleeping excellent . . .

Interlude . . .

 OK. Had the beer, good conversation and then on my way back to Le Van I stopped to talk to a couple about their bicycles (think I’m going to start looking for one). I learned that they’ve now been on the road for 5 years. And next week are picking up a brand new Avida motorhome in which they intend to continue their jaunting until they’re physically incapable of continuing!

But, I’d better tell you about my amazing day driving to Grafton

I took Tourist Route 16 (if my memory serves me right) and ended up stopping at Nambucca Heads. Had a delicious coffee and raisin toast at a riverside café. Now I’ve been to NH before and enjoyed the awesome up-riverside walk. The walk I did today was down river . Just as sensational! Looking at my Fitbit I see that I’ve done 22K steps today and I think half of those were on this boardwalk. Absolutely delightful. No sun. Only a high overcast. Warm and just a little bit humid. Towards the actual river entrance where they’ve created a bit of a breakwater there is a whole stretch of rocks where they’ve encouraged locals and visitors to create memories and memorials. This is graffiti that is delightful to look at. Of course, there are many sad memorials but also many celebratory ones. Many families have created family tree memories. It’s a grand idea when you consider that the power of the ocean and salt air means that all of them fade away over time when they will be replaced by new messages. Wonderful!

But the day got even better! A visit to the Urunga Information Centre saw a lovely old (I'm calling someone 'old'???) lady tell me about this board walk out to the estuary (of the Bellinger and Kalang rivers). Let me tell you - it was fantastic . Must be all of three kilometres there and back and all of it over wetlands and tidal flats. All of this on a balmy day with only a few tourists. Breathtaking views back to the mountains and the sea in the distance. To think I almost drove through Urunga! Phew!

By now I was pretty knackered but stopped at Coffs to have a breather. I’ve been to Coffs Habour a number of times. Sometimes by yacht or catamaran and even a few times by car and I always enjoy walking around the harbour and up Mutton Bird Island, having a coffee and BLT at the Gallery and just enjoying the day. Funny thing happened on the seawall walk. I passed a family of 5 or 6 people sauntering along and enjoying the day. On my way back I noticed a lot of water in front of me. It seems that the seventh wave of the seventh set of the seventh etc must have reared up out of nowhere and broken over the wall drenching the kids and two of the adults. I guess they’ll always have that experience to relate over the years but a salutary thought is - that it is precisely these waves that catch rock fisherman off guard and you all know the outcome of those incidents – particularly if they were not wearing life jackets .

Well, that’s up to date. Now I’m going to sit back watch a bit of TV, read Caleb’s Crossing and head for the land of Nod.

Tuesday March 28

I’m presently typing this from the Alex Beach Tourist Park on the Sunshine Coast. The day is warm, well, very warm – and humid. Seems Cyclone Debbie is already having an effect on our neck of the woods. But, I’ve got the aircon if it becomes absolutely necessary. Actually I’ve just returned from my second swim in the pool. Let me tell you that this is water I lurve – tepidly cool! Even I can stay in for a whole 15 minutes.

Sadly I’ve finished Calebs Crossing – ya’ll should read it – terrific. And it’s time to catch up on my ‘doings’.

Needing to get to the Sunshine Coast to get quotes done for the damage, I decided to push on and spend the night near to my next major stop – Charl and Cheryl at Robina on the Gold Coast .

I spent quite a bit of time at Evans Head. It’s always very attractive EXCEPT for the meal I had from the fish ‘n chip shop! Oil drenched chips are not my cup of tea and I wonder how that sort of service can survive? Maybe some people do like soggy chips

After Evans Head, Byron Bay called. I took the ‘tourist drive’ and after the 35th round about, regretted my decision particularly as when I reached Byron I realized that it fits into the same category as Noosa – why bother!!

Then the day got really cool . . . I turned into Billinudgel (Billi to the locals) to stay at the free campsite at the back of the Billi Pub. What an excellent place to stay. Not because it’s free but because it’s so welcoming (and free) and everybody is friendly (and the site is free). Mind you after a humungous ceasar salad and beer I went for a ‘walk’ along the main road. Quite dark it was, and suddenly I heard footsteps behind me . Quite startled, I turned around and a voice said “Don’t mind me, mate, I’m just on me way home”. Of course we got chatting and he was telling me that in the so-and-so floods of a few years ago, he had to swim to the pub for his beer (the pub had a metre of water around it). I did check the weather after that just to make sure heavy rain wasn’t on the menu. Back to the Billi main road. My fitbit measure the entire length of the CBD and industrial area at 212 steps – that equates to approx 150 metres.

Next day after stopping at Tweed Heads for the necessary caffeine hit I arrived at the welcoming doorstep of cousin Charl and his beautiful wife Cheryl. I stayed for three days and apart from a couple of bike finding forays (unsuccessful) I just relaxed and enjoyed their company (including that of Mittens and Buddy both of whom are getting on now). Typing ‘mittens’ reminds of her favourite sleeping spot – right in front of the front door. So, to get into the house after a walk, involved calling for help or standing there with a slight pressure from my foot eventually persuading her to heave herself up and walk three paces away . Of course once the door was closed, she returned to her guard duty. All of a sudden I’m wondering if referring to Mittens as ‘she’ is correct! Charl?? Needless to say the Russells fed me up a treat, the highlight of which was Cheryl’s special lasagna dish, shared with Erica and Ollie who came over to . . . I don’t know. I’d like to think it was to see me but when I saw Erica’s reaction to ‘it’s lasagna tonight’, I think it may have been for the meal . . . ‘twas a lovely evening.

So, onwards to the Sunshine Coast . . . with first a stop at the Scarborough Holiday Village (on the Redcliffe Peninsula). One of best sites I’ve ever stayed at. Certainly the showers were modern and gigantic. But the main feature is its situation – at the end of the Peninsula (Castlereagh Point) and right on the water. The local authorities have certainly done really well here because the walks and cycle ways effectively stretch right around the said peninsula. Coupled with that was the very clement weather . Balmy and calm (while Cyclone Debbie was brewing up north). To top all of these when I presented myself at Andy and Jane’s door (not having a number to call them on) they were delighted to see me. So there ensued a late afternoon and evening of reminiscing on sailing and people. Of course, I was treated to a magnificent repast – to them my ‘magnificent’ is probably just what they do but against my culinary efforts I think the M word is just right.

So, that’s brings things up to date. Because of having to wait for parts for Le Van it looks like I’ll be staying on the Sunshine Coast until mid-April or even later. Actually it’s not hard. The campsite is excellent and there is lots to do.


Bruce Winterford

Keep safe and DRY Peter.
All the best
Bruce and Kathy

Bernie Russell

Nice blog mate! Well written. Keep it up.
Im really glad you are having fun.


Thanks Peter. Hope you are still travelling safe and well. Best wishes from your lost sailor mate. Chris

Ann Kempen

Awesome trip and pics. Looks so beautiful there. Can't wait to visit. Should think about doing a road trip here to Namibia and Botswana. I'd tag along. Safe travels. Hugsaplenty. x

Laurel and Derek (camped in Ariz

Thanks for taking us along on your trip via another entertaining blog. Have been watching your weather ... hope you are safe.

Mike Russell

Have a safe and relaxing trip .Looking forward to your next blog. Regards


Hi Peter my goodness enjoyed that part of my holiday with you (so to say). No not into soggy chips either. Debbie sure did damage. Pics fab and you're having a good time. About that not accepting accountability for the minor bump how so you like this one - I did not get to the meeting the plane left without me. Can you believe this for an excuse. Some people don't get it. Lots and lots love to you and Cathy. Enjoy itinerants and keep posting so I can enjoy holidaying with you (so to speak) God bless.


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