Jet Lag Ahoy!

Friday, August 31, 2012
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Last night (Thursday, August 30) was our last night in Toronto. We had a lovely dinner (breakfast, China-time) with our dads and Andrew's sister. We headed back to Brampton to do *all the laundry* at a 24 hour laundromat. The rest of the evening was spent folding clothes, cleaning the apartment and packing. The idea was to stay up all night so that, by the time we were on our way to Beijing, we would be tired enough to sleep for the majority of the flight. The flight leaves Chicago at 12:00pm on Friday, August 31...which is 12:00am on Saturday, September 1. If we manage to fall asleep, it might help a little with the whole "jet lag" thing.

And now we're here at gate F63 in Pearson International Airport waiting for our boarding call...which should come at any time now as the plane is scheduled to leave in about 35 minutes. We're excited to visit another city we've never been to before. Seriously, we'd just like to spend our first 3 days in Beijing just wandering around the hutongs (traditional and narrow sidestreet/alleyways) Or at least, as much as is humanly possible.

That's the plan. A lot like last time. more...walk...etc. And pictures of course! This is the next best thing to us packing you away in our suitcases to take you with us. ;) We'll give you an update once we've settled in our hostel. We're due to land in Beijing at that'll be 2:40am Saturday, your time.

Bye for now!

~Andrew & Shannon &

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Have an amazing time, you guys! I'll miss you!


Safe Travels!
Have lots of fun and looking forward to your postings.


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