The trip had a bit of a rough start - the flight was delayed 2.5 hours, then the plane had a mechanical problem and was delayed even more. Israeli airline El Al has a whole bunch of specially trained security guys screening every passenger and they had a ton of weird questions for me and Julia. I suppose we look super suspicious, so our passports were marked with an S and all luggage was turned inside out... On the plus side I heard Alitalia airline calling for someone named Ferrari, I guess he was stuck in traffic (rimshot).
The flight was long and tiring, especially thanks to my bulbous neighbour with hairy gorilla arms that could not be contained in his seat and kept invading my personal space
. There was also a bunch of rabbis who kept praying and putting towels on their heads as well as a million of children yelling and running around, of course. Somehow I managed to get a few hours of sleep to prepare for the drive to Eilat.
When the flight finally arrived, we were met in the airport by my old time friend Olga, who I haven't seen for years! We went together to the car rental place to pick up the car, even got an upgrade from Mazda 2 to Hyundai Elantra, which is a bit bigger. Then I set up destination on the phone, got out of the parking lot (which was harder then it seemed) and started driving to Eilat.
We stopped along the road twice for some food and water. Food was actually really good here, but kinda pricey. Around 7 PM the sun went down and it became dark immediately. The road was good, but in the mountainous region there was a bunch of sharp turns so I had to drive carefully. There were almost no cars in that area in any case. We arrived to Eilat around 11 PM and were stopped on a security checkpoint by a small girl with a large gun. She didn't want to inspect the car or the documents, though.
We drove through the city, through approximately a hundred roundabouts and parked near the hotel, checked in, ate some fruit and went to sleep.
Arrival and departure
Friday, April 15, 2016
Tel Aviv, Israel
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