Odense, the birthplace of H. C. Andersen

Monday, July 29, 2013
Odense, Fyn and the Central Islands, Denmark
All of us took a train to Odense this morning (Alekro decided to follow us for a while) and visited the birthplace and museum of Hans Christian Andersen! The museum was very informative and fun, with every year of the writer's life described in detail. There was a large number of artifacts from Andersen's time and also his personal things. There was also a small house, where he might have been born (it is not known for sure). At 3 pm there was a small performance in the museum's garden, which recapped a number of fairy tales in a lively manner. There was a lot of singing and some dancing, characters like Little Mermaid, Naked King, Ugly Duckling, Thumbelina, Andersen himself and many others.
After the show we went to explore the old city centre for a while, walked old cobbled streets, window shopped and had some lunch. To be honest, Odense is not as charming as Copenhagen, it's a fairly normal small town.
At 6 pm we caught a train to Svendborg, where we had 10 minutes to board the Ferry to Ærø [see next entry...]
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