The Slippery Slope

Sunday, October 31, 2021
Voe, Scotland, United Kingdom
Ah, Sunday, finally we were on holiday, a mere two days late in the glorious isolation of a coastal village miles from everywhere, and with no transport. We thought about going to Lerwick to get the bikes but didn't want to spend a whole day cycling them over, only to have to do the same again a couple of days later. We needed a bit of down time after the effort of actually getting to Shetland, so we made a conscious decision to do bugger all and then rest afterwards.
There was no phone signal at the Picking Shed, which meant I had missed out on a whole load of drama. When I did walk out to the jetty and my phone connected, I discovered a series of increasingly frantic messages from an ambulance driver trying to get into my house to treat my husband for who knows what. Holy stress. I hadn't been gone five minutes and my husband was already needing the emergency services! I called home and discovered the ambulance had been summoned by mistake and there was actually nothing wrong at all. 
Mel and I walked up to the shop, up the slippery slope. Mel is lactose intolerant but the lactofree milk on sale had passed its sell-by date and looked a bit explody. We opted for almond milk instead. It's ok if you don't mind a strange aftertaste. 
There is a ruined chapel next to the sea, which has a collection of Commonwealth War Graves  in its small, walled churchyard. They were all sailors from the First World War. Some of the monuments were held up with wooden scaffolding and looked a little unstable. 
We traced the shore back to the Picking Shed, noting the wildlife and collecting the odd bit of washed up rubbish for disposal. There were a whole load of waxcap mushrooms, various sea birds and empty shells dotting the edge. It was cool and peaceful and lovely.



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