Synchronized Swimming

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Dumfries, Scotland, United Kingdom
I finally learnt my lesson and avoided the M6 until north of Birmingham. We made excellent time and zoomed into Scotland in about five and a half hours. We were so speedy in fact, that our host was not yet home and we had a couple of hours to kill. This was easily achieved with a trip to Tesco and a sit down chippy supper. Mel ordered something off the menu called 'fried pizza', which I assume is the successor to the 'deep fried Mars Bar' of Glaswegian fame. I could feel my gall stones tweaking, just looking at its oily surface.

Jamie, his flatmate Matt and their friend Mel are students of Glasgow University's long-range campus . Donny persuaded them, that they really wanted to play Cranium, a board game, which involved doing strange things, like imitating famous people, drawing with your eyes closed and modelling with purple play-doh. It was a laugh, particularly watching three adults miming "genetic mutation", whilst the children stared in disbelief. At one point, I was lying on the floor, pretending to be a synchronised swimmer, wondering how I'd ended up doing this in Dumfries.


Lyn Hunt

Keep them coming, Rachal. I do enjoy reading of all you daring dos!!!!


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