App for That.

Sunday, August 22, 2010
Lambley, England, United Kingdom
Somehow, we managed to get to my brother's place in three and a half hours, which was a constant 60-75mph the whole way. Ugh. My brain felt fried. Mike and Ange's place is currently a building site, and we caught them laying bathroom floor tiles amidst the rubble. Most of the house has no floor at the moment.

We got up to speed on the renovations and then put a picnic table on the landing (somewhere with a floor), surrounded by workman's benches to sit on. We had chips by candle-light (Mike had an app for that) as the electric and water is currently not connected.

The final two hours down the M42 were hard work, as I was so tired, but eventually we got home for 11pm and rolled gratefully into bed.

Photos & Videos


Lynn Seagrove

Rae - another exciting adventure. Your kids will certainly enter adulthood well travelled. You could turn the blogs into a book

Lyn Hunt

What a fantastic trip. The photo's were great! I'm off to Chemo number 4 today. Have so enjoyed readig about your trip.

Much love,


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