36 hours in Boston and a drive to South Dartmouth

Friday, September 28, 2012
Salem, Massachusetts, United States
First priority next day was to get Peter's phone equipped with a USA simcard to avoid paying O2 £6 a megabyte for data, sounds simple but involved long phone calls and a trip to a T-Mobile store. Following which we set off for Fenway Park (the Boston RedSox venue) to make a start on Barny's shopping list - only to start off in the wrong direction resulting in a ride on the Metro (T) to get back to where we needed to be.
 Then we walked further to get a bite to eat at the cafe in the Isabella Gardner Museum but then, daunted at the prospect of paying $15 ($10) each to get in we crossed to the Fine Art Museum where Annies membership card got us in free . Principal interest was the American Galleries (all 53 of them) which trace the history of American Art (artistic art and decorative art) through the ages. 

Timetable the nextday was determined by the pouring rain so we drove about an hour to Salem to visit the Peabody Essex Museum with a special exhibition of photos by Ansel Adams who specialised in landscape photography in the wild places in the USA like Yosemite (much wilder in the 1930s when he was taking pictures.) We were intruiged by the name Peabody and wondered if it was connected to Peabody Estates in London - and it turns out that the Salem Peabody moved to London after making his first fortune, got to be even richer in London through banking etc and then got a conscience and built estates to house the working poor in London - so not just a connection, the same guy!

Then back to Boston to pick up Annie, Monty the dog and a ton of luggage and food and whatnot for the slow drive through driving rain and terrible traffic to the house Annie and Tim recently had built in the little community of South Dartmouth near Westport and Newport and such trendy little places, Liz made the mistake of calling it a country cottage and Annie told her it was certainly not a cottage but, as you will see in the photo, an architect-designed place to their specification with lovely oak floors, and lots of windows, surrounded by woodland with distant views of the sea from the tower. 
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