It's all closed

Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Caraquet, New Brunswick, Canada

The rain didn't stop pouring all day on Peter's birthday . It was a long seven hour drive to the wilds of New Brunswick at Caraquet, but at least we stayed dry. When we compained about the cold wind and steely cloud in Quebec we were told that 5 degrees is nothing. It gets down to Minus 60 celsius in Winter and is often - 30 degrees, and somebody said 'at least its not raining' which it then proceeded to do for the next 2 days. So we're getting good impression of how short the summer is here and winter is setting in. We should therfore be more grateful I suppose for the gulf stream which keeps England much milder on a similar latitide. Looking forward to going South from now on. The hotel does have a swimming pool which while not Olympic in sze is lovely and warm and has a spiral slide which Peter ventured!
Fortunately the rain stopped next day, though it continued to blow us inside and out, and though the commercial attractions were all closed (folks looked at us as if we were mental even considering being tourists at this time of year) we got around to explore some beautiful and empty beaches and other natural wonders, wrapped up in hats and scarves in brilliant sunshine . The original French settlers in Nova Scotia were known as Acadians, the Brits kicked them out and some of them settled here, the Acadian flag is everywhere. We have been reading Longfellow#s epic poem Evangeline which tells the story of the expulsions from idyllic farming life in Nova Scotia.
There was no 'fine dining' and no choice other than fast food. One night we decided not to bttle with the elements, but finish off our Quebec food market delicacies with a bottle of wine while we watched the second US Presidenital debate. Seems Obama did better this time.
 There are few perfect places on earth, but Kelly's beach in the deserted Kouchibougnac National Park on the coast as we travelled south was a haven. Described on the Park map as a 'Special Place', understated, the board walk across lagoons, glistenning in the sun, inhabited by herons and ducks, invitd us to the calm sea.And on our return the trees displayed wonderful fall colours, although we realised nture was enhanced by our polaroid lenses in our glasses. Further board walks provided good opportunities to get near nature and the sea. Invitations to explore the wilderness seem to be very well managed here. Much of the sea shore land is privately owned so it is not easy to find access unless the park authorities have managed it for you, and then they do it very well,with information boards, maps and clear directions.

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