Back in the US, back in the US, the USofA

Monday, October 22, 2012
Jonesport, Maine, United States
An ample breakfast, more chatting with our hosts in Alma a nd we were off again. So far we have driven about 3,400 miles). But it was a quicjk trip into Fundy National Park and we were soon out of the car again to embark on the first of three walks, one to a waterfall, one to a beach, and one to Caribou Plains (no Caribou and no Plains but plenty of trees, a peat bog and Beaver ponds - but no beavers)
Then South toward the Canada/USA border with stops at the 'La Crloix' monument - the little island in the La Croix river which was the first Frence settlement in 1604 - there are monuments both in Canada and the USA on opposite banks of the La Croix river which marks the border . And a stop in the little town of St Andrew shortly before the bordder, it was billed in the guidebook as a major resort - but it was mostly closed, we did get a great ice-cream though!
And with the sun dazzling us as we drove to our next little town/overnight stop at Jonesport and the Harbour House B&B wshere we do indeed have a stunning view of the Harbour. But Jonesport is right out of restaurants so we stopped at the Pizza take-away to order our pizza on our way to the grocery store to pick up wine, and chocolate brownies, and salad, collecting our pizza on the way back. High living!
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