Long trip

Thursday, December 22, 2016
Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Well the road to Cairns thankfully was uneventful heaps of road works heaps of police on the watch out for bad drivers... Thankfully we weren't one of them. The green along the Hwy was such a massive contrast after getting to Townsville it is so Barron and dry sad to say!
Made it in plenty of time to get out flight found a car spot at the car park at the airport .
No where to get changed do did it in the car longs for the flight always gets cold on flights...
On arrival at the airport terminal hardly a person to be seen looked eerie with it so quite however it changed pretty quickly people started pouring in looks like a well filled plane flight.
Once on I had s good looking your Danish guy sitting next to me going his Masters in Sydney for Rome financier thing nice block talked a bit Joh fell asleep ASAP...
We must have been asleep when our meal
came, so had to ask for it. We payed an extra price on the Jetstar ticket got baggage and food and something else. Well the food is just yukky trust Jetstar....
it was only a four and half hour flight but both John & I felt it was much much longer.
Maybe the long drive to Cairns might have had something to do with it...
We survived the drooling flight to come out to a long line through customs to well yep where is our transfer to our hotel... it is now 1245 and yep as we are trying to figure out where that darn transfer is we have the customary driver waiting in the wings telling us he had a good deal ... ohh my this felt like deja vu India all over again... trying to be polite yet feeling like getting his throats and throttling him... eventually he won no transfer had arrived and yes we needed to get to bed our pick up for the Island was going to be at our hotel by 7 am it's now 1.30am... this was after I had phoned the resort only to get the poor security guard who couldn't do anything other than he knew we were booked in but he thought we were there and couldn't quite get why if we were in the hotel we were saying we are at the airport.... I finally made sense and he said yep come to the hotel he would try the get us in our room...
So once we set a deal with our little taxi man off we set and true to his word and knowing we're being ripped off we made it safely plus he made sure we found the security man to let us in...
We got to our room and yep you guessed it again on the top floor 3 flights of very very steep steps with heavy bags we got to our room with thank goodness aircon... both soaked in sweat we have a quick shower heads to bed for 3.30hrs of what turned out to be good sleep....
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