Travel Day

Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Quito, Ecuador
Well, here goes my day. I arrived at the Salt Lake City airport at 8:00 am for my 9:40 flight to Atlanta. The flight went off without a hitch and arrived in Atlanta as scheduled. After a two hour layover I boarded my 5 hour flight to Quito Ecuador.

The flight from Atlanta to Quito was 5 hours and I watched two movies . Customs and luggage were easy and then we met some people who transported us to the hotel. When we arrived at the JW Marriott hotel in Quito we were greeted with hot towels and green tomato juice. Our Adventure Guides are Eduardo and Laura. They told us that we had an early morning and, since it was midnight we headed up to bed. In our room were duffle bags and chocolate bars.

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