Morning came very early today. We had to have our luggage outside the room by 6:30 am and breakfast was at 7. We met in the lobby and took the elevator to the top floor of the hotel. There was a balcony overlooking the city where we took photos and then we had a breakfast buffet. There were some tropical fruits and other Ecuadorian breakfast foods plus traditional American foods.
During breakfast we had an introduction of ourselves to the group
We then boarded the bus and started on our way to the Otovalo Valley
. After about an hour we stopped at a gas station for a convenience break and then continued another hour or so until we reached the "Center of the Earth". This is a sun dial that sits right on the equator. It was really cool to be able to stand in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere at the same time.
Then we were back on the bus for another ride to a Rose Plantation. Ecuador is the largest exporter of roses.
After the rose plantation we drove to a Hacienda for lunch. When we arrived we were served a tea made from a citrus fruit and sugar cane. For Lunch, we were served green plantain empanadas, chicken with rice and the bizcots with caramel. Lunch was delicious. The hacienda was originally a mill and we were able to look at all the workings and grounds.
Our next stop was at the home of a family of musicians. We saw them demonstrate how to make a pan flute and then they played a song for us. After that we all got to make our own flutes.
We then took a walk to a weaver shop where we saw a demonstration of weaving and wool dying.
Then we were back on the bus for a short ride to the Hacienda where we will spend the next two nights. Hacienda Pinsaqui was built 300 years ago and was turned into a hotel about 18 years ago. When we arrived, we were greeted by musicians playing music and then we were assigned our rooms.
We had a short break before we met for a folklore dance demonstration and then off to dinner. I had salad, steak and fresh strawberries
Then back to the room for bed..
Quito to Otavalo
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
Otavalo, Ecuador
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