Today we had the buffet breakfast before heading out on our morning excursion to North Seymour island. This was going to be our chance to see frigate birds in the mating season as well as Blue Footed Boobies. The male frigate bird expands a red balloon on it's throat to attract a female bird. Our first glimpse was of one flying overhead. We walked along and saw land iguanas, sea lions and juvenile blue footed boobies (they don't get the blue feet until they are two years old). We saw numerous baby sea lions that our Naturalist Viko assumed were between 2.5 weeks and 2 years old all over the island. We were only able to see one Blue Footed Booby but, at least we got to see one.!
Then it was back to the ship to put on our wet suits for the deep sea snorkel
. We took our zodiac to out and jumped in the water where we swam for about an hour. On this swim we got to see huge schools of fish, a Great White Shark (not really, just a white tipped shark), a school of golden rays and a spotted eagle ray. It was really cool!... the water and the experience.
Then it was back to the boat for lunch and a bridge tour while he ship moved to Santa Cruz Island. We took the zodiac to the island and boarded a bus that took us to a lava tube and then to a Land Turtle Preserve area where we got close enough to touch the tortoises but could not.
Then back to the bus for the ride back to the ship. I had a massage before dinner. After dinner it was time to pack and get our luggage outside the room for debarkation tomorrow.
Dinner was a salad, asparagus soup, turkey and tiramisu.
Tortoise Race
Monday, November 12, 2012
North Seymoure Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
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