Teton National Park

Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Teton Village, Wyoming, United States
We went to a Hank's Diner for breakfast, the cleanest restaurant I've ever seen. We head out to Cody. Not much of interest happened. It was hot, surprise. We stopped at the visitor center to cool off. One of the volunteers talked to us and gave us some advise. 

She also told us that five Germans had flown into Denver and rented motorcycles . They wandered around Colorado and Wyoming. They were headed west from Cody to Yellowstone and an east bound truck either fell asleep or tried to pass. The first German got by but the next three went into the truck. The last went up the hill. Three died on site. I believe the other was medivaced, but didn't make it. This made us a little nervous and even more cautious. We went through no problem.  

She told us to stop at Buffalo Bill Cody's hunting lodge. It is called Pahaska Tepee, which means "long beard." The attendant was very knowledgeable and informative. We gassed up and went on, when we hit Yellowstone Lake the wind was howling and causing white caps. We were going to eat on the south end of the lake. We went around the parking lot three times always looking left and it was between the trees on the right. It was not very busy. Before getting there our fearless navigator, Dave, turn one exit early into a parking lot that was crowded, a mess . We couldn't get out for a while because two semis were trying to get in to deliver prefabbed outhouse.

The scenery was amazing. We checked into our cabin at Signal Mountain Lodge and went to the restaurant and ate on the patio. Dave and Jeff order beer. Nick ordered a blackberry Margarita. Dave gave Nick a hard time about his fru-fru drink. Later Nick asked Dave what kind of boat was over behind him (Dave) and placed the margarita in front of Dave and took a picture Rob and Jeff caught on and kept the ruse going. Dave fell for it hook, line and sinker grabbing the patio rail to help him turn around. He just couldn't see the imaginary boat that Nick was referring to. Check out the picture. We sat on our porch and watched the sunset. 

The next morning we decided to go into Jackson for breakfast. On the way we passed an overlook for the Grand Teton Moran Peak that Nick wanted pictures of, we turned around. The four of us were the only ones at the pullout taking turns taking pictures of our group. When a car pulled up....from Denver Colorado.... They agreed to take a picture of the four of us with our motorcycles, we took one of them and they took off. Coincidence? I think not.

221 miles today
1600 miles to date
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I am missing your daily escapades....


Are you guys bored? no brew pubs, no strange women, no quirky museums?


So many great shots! It looks like you guys are having an awesome time :) Its fun being able to follow the journey!


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