Transition day

Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Vernal, Utah, United States
Ahhhh, a location with Internet, let alone WiFi. Sorry about getting behind and the lack of photos.

We had to transition from beautiful Yellowstone and the Tetons to Vernal, UT . There was some nice scenery, however, hot again. As long as we were riding it wasn't bad, the wind from our motion cooled us, a little. A lot of little towns to go through and RVs to pass. We some how dodged two different rain fronts. Going through the Flaming Gorge area the Parks service kept us entertained with factoids along the route.

Nick's brand new horn bracket broke again and he had to perform a hornectomy. I'm sure that he wanted to toss it as far away as possible, but he put it in his saddlebags.  

When we were just out of Mountain View, WY Nick was in front of Rob and ran over a roadkill fox. The remains were kicked up and passed Rob on his right. Rob wondered when fox started flying. A mile or so later a deer ran across the road several hundred feet in front of Dave. No danger of hitting it but we still watched for others.

We arrived in Vernal at 6:30 and headed straight to a bar for cooling down with a draft, and make reservations at a motel. All down and unloaded we went to a brew pub called Vernal Brewing Company. The gang was not impressed with the service or the food.

We heard from Fane, who was supposed to meet us here and he is having car problems. He took his car to an auto parts store and they plugged in the computer and found out that two of four cylinders were misfiring. He will take it to the shop and try to join us in Grand Junction for a couple of days. Update: the mechanic has identified the problem as a blown head gasket. We are all glad that he decided not to try and join us anyway.

365 miles today
1965 miles todate
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