Lazy day

Monday, November 28, 2011
Los Cabos, Baja California, Mexico
As I sit on the balcony and look over the million dollar gringo houses below us, I see a house with grass on it's roofs and another with solar panels. With all the garbage and rubble you see on the streets of Mexico, it's nice to see some efforts toward green living, even if it is in the condo/resort areas. The grounds in our complex have beautiful trees and shrubs, and even green groundcover (wide bladed grasses and low-growing plants). Not nearly as desert-like as where we stayed in January. They, of course, have to water the plants, but there are signs that say they are watered with grey water. I think Brie would be pleased. :)

The Grey Cup game is now posted on TSN, so we lazed around in our pajamas and watched the game.  When I finally got around to having a shower, there was no water. :(   We happened to see Bob drive up, and asked him what was up with the water. There has apparently been a problem with a water main for our building, and they shut the water off around 1:00 to fix it.   Roger was more timely getting ready for the day, but no shower for me today. Luckily there is enough water in the fridge to brush my teeth and wash my face.

For supper tonite, we decided to go back to Puerta Vieja (which means "old door". Thier entry door is a beautiful old door from India, which I had stroked and admired the first time we went there without realizing its significance). We sat on the deck and watched the beautiful sunset. Roger had a filet mignon, and I had lobster. Muy bien!
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ummmmmmm where are all the pictures?? Take one of that door for me! You know me, I like old doors & windows & knockers, door knockers that is LOL


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