Cards, Cars & Canucks

Friday, January 17, 2014
Surprise, Arizona, United States
We had a wonderful week of high 70's F weather in Surprise with Gil & Lois (Brie - that's about 26 C. I know you don't comprehend degrees F). ;oP

Gil & Roger had fun trash talking each other while playing cribbage . Lois and I would steer clear - they get nasty! They also had fun betting on the NFL playoffs over the last few weeks. It was fun to watch them flip a coin for first pick, then call each other names as they picked their teams. They bet $1 per game. After two weekends, Roger owed Gil $2. We'll see what this weekend brings (Roger has Denver & San Francisco).

On Tuesday, we spent the day at the Barrett-Jackson Auction in Scottsdale. Wow, that's a lot of cars. Some really interesting stuff. It was so nice that the "boys" had each other to hang with at the auction. ;o) Lois and I had car overload after the first hour or so, and we spent about 4 hours touring the cars on display and up for auction before we actually went into the auction area for a couple of hours.

One of the most notable vehicles for us was a 1956 F1 truck that Shannon Tweed and Gene Simmons got restored and then donated to the auction, with the proceeds going to the Saskatchewan Children's Hospital Foundation . It sold for $450,000!!!! Pretty cool. Here's the link to more information and a video of the actual auctioning of the truck.

Other famous cars of note were Michael Schumacher's Formula 1 Ferrari race car, Simon Cowell's Bugatti, several Lamborghinis, Ferraris, lots of old cars that Roger used to own (and I mean lots), or that Roger's dad Joe used to own or work on back in his mechanic days. Oh, did I mention the 1973 Harley Davidson custom motorcycle that was driven into the auction by a scantily clad "broad" (Gil's words, not mine). Gil was talking about buying the bike (it went for $17,000), keeping the "broad", and then re-selling the bike. That's a lot of broad. ;o)

On Thursday, Gil & Roger went to an NHL game - Phoenix Coyotes vs. Vancouver Canucks. Score: Phoenix 1, Vancouver 0. They said it was a pretty slow game, but fun to do nonetheless . While the boys were away at the hockey game, Lois and I headed out to see the movie "Saving Mr. Banks". However, when we got to the theatre, it wasn't playing for some reason. Lois had just checked their website before we left, so she stamped her little foot and they said we could get into any other movie free. So we went to "Her" (about a guy who falls in love with his computer voice). We were in the theatre with a dozen or so seniors who had come for a show about Mr. Disney and Mary Poppins. Instead they were watching a show with profanity and nudity and sexuality! It was like being there with our grandparents ... lots of tsking and tongue clucking, never mind them not really getting the concept. It was worth a chuckle.

We had bought groceries on Thursday, so on Friday we packed up our 29 foot rolling suitcase and headed north to Sedona. Weather in Sedona is beautiful and we love our RV park. The scenery and town look amazing ... am really excited to be here for the next 10 days.



It sounds like you had some fun packed days. The BJ Auction was a bonus. Looking forward to your blog and pics from Sedona.


Thank you for putting the temperature in Celsius (I was just about to Google it when I saw that you had already done it for me!). I'm glad you're having such a fantastic time. I noticed the Greenbriar van and have decided that it would be pretty cool to drive across the country in one of those :)

Love you!



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